Lynn blinked, confused by the girl's words. [b]"Well, no. I live underground mostly... But, why did you come through that wall?"[/b] She replied, lifting a brow. It wasn't like she was going to turn the girl in or anything, she was just curious. She could feel Maggie behind her, tense up. Was there something about this girl Maggie didn't like? Lynn smiled and walked over to the girl, holding out her hand. [b]"Well, in any case, I'm Lynn. It's nice to meet you. Maggie and I were just about to go out and buy supplies. Would you like to join us?"[/b] She asked, hoping the girl would. It'd be nice to have some company, especially if she knew the lay of the land well. It might help to have someone with powers with them. Maggie and Lynn were both non-magic users, humans with no magical abilities. At least, that's what Lynn would like to believe. Lately, things had been happening with her and... powers she'd always assumed she didn't have. She'd been trying to hide it for a couple weeks now. Maybe... if she asked this girl... She was a stranger after all and if she could keep her true identity on the down low, maybe she could get away with asking. --- Liam sat, eyes wide staring at the prince before the words finally made sense. [b]"Ah.. Y-Yes! I'm f-fine, Prince Troy."[/b] He stuttered, trying his best to stand up. When he finally did, he brushed off his pants and stood still before the prince. [b]"G-Good day, Prince. I was... I was just going to..."[/b] He began, trying to come up with some excuse as to why he would be near the Sparring/Sword room. [b]"My father asked me to go have a look at the swords in the sparring room, to see if anything is wrong with them."[/b] He blurted out. Ugh, he could kill himself right now if it weren't impossible. He couldn't look the prince in the eye either. He'd always been a terrible liar. Oh, he was going to be in [i]so[/i] much trouble later.