[hider=James] [center][IMG]http://i1118.photobucket.com/albums/k602/lightning421253k/Mobile%20Uploads/2014-05/bb286ba8-6e72-46bb-b3db-b156956d14a3_zps57e3b7a0.jpg[/IMG] [u][b]Full Name[/b][/u] James Lancaster [u][b]Alias(es) / Titl(es) / Nickname(s)[/b][/u] Let's just say he has a few names. [u][b]Gender[/b][/u] Male [u][b]Age[/b][/u] Somewhere between 18-19[/center][center][u][b]Ability:[/b][/u] [b]Electricity Manipulation[/b][/center] Generation, discharge, and observation of electric (and by extension, electromagnetic) phenomena, natch. The principles concerning exactly [i]how[/i] he does it can vary, but the results are almost universally the same. However, rather than the traditional 'point finger, fire lightning bolt' interpretation, James chooses to focus his efforts on more versatile (not to mention [i]easier[/i], since the main offensive move is a great deal more difficult than 'point and click') applications, though this comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. [center][u]Active Applications[/u][/center]+ [i]Hacking:[/i] Both in a physical sense and a mental sense. Physically, it allows James to interface with electronic devices, steal/copy and/or decode electronic flow of information, read binary in English, manipulate electrical communications, etc. Mentally, while he can't necessarily take over peoples' bodies, he can hack into their minds to share senses, interfere with motor skills, induce illusions, etc. Although the applications that require finer control have less range. + [i]Improved Mobility:[/i] Static wall-crawling, rail riding, electrolysis or static induced flight/hovering, etc. + [i]Reflex/Sensory/Healing Enhancement:[/i] Speeding up his own internal signals, or do it for your friends. [center][u]Passive Applications[/u][/center]+ [i]Immunity to Electrocution:[/i] Yup + [i]Internal Radar:[/i] A constant field around James that allows him to detect sources and paths of electricity, including human bodies, as well as image the room without requiring sight by releasing a wave of electricity ala echolocation. + [i]Mind Reading/Empathy:[/i] Essentially the framework for the aforementioned mental hacking. Interpret neural signals to read minds and such. [center][u][b]Weapon(s)[/b][/u] N/A [u][b]Personality[/b][/u][/center] Surprisingly, James lacks any sort of mental instability resulting from his seven coma. Polite and gentle, as well as jolly and easy enough to get along with. A good-hearted entertainer. All in all, he honestly seems to be a genuinely happy, well-adjusted individual at first glance, even if he isn't too expressive. Key words: "At first glance." Once you peer through that thin veneer of wholesome happiness and normalcy he's projected around himself, you'll see that, while he still isn't mentally unstable, he's definitely not nearly half as well-adjusted as he makes himself out to be. His two-faced mentality couldn't be called anything other than cynical and opportunistic. He holds most people in disdain and, strangely enough, has quite a lot of trust issues, despite being able to actually see whether someone's lying or not. Perhaps this stems from the fact that he himself is untrustworthy and finds it hard to deal with commitment. He [i]is[/i] a big goddamn lying liar who lies (or an acting actor who acts, if you want to be nice. He's also a stealing stealer that steals, but that's a talk for another time) after all. It doesn't help that he's [i]good[/i] at it too. However James isn't one of those people who lie out of malice or habit, rather, he does it out necessity and preference. Incidentally, James finds that none of this is reason for him to be impolite. [center][u][b]Weakness/Fear(s)[/b][/u][/center]- [i]Immunity to Electricity =/= Immunity to Electrical Side-Effects:[/i] Yup. - [i]Focus on Utility:[/i] Due to putting his points into versatility, James combat ability. - [i]Spontaneous Discharge:[/i] Driving and handling objects that interact negatively with electricity is a no-no, especially under stress when stray discharge chance is at an all time high. In the same vein, don't be in the same pool as him. - [i]Path of Least Resistance:[/i] It's inadvisable to be around when he [i]does[/i] attempt to use his ability for most ranged attacks. - [i]Sensory Sharing:[/i] Now he has [i]two[/i] pain conduits! - [i]Mental Pollution:[/i] Changing your brain synapses to match the sensory input of someone else holds this risk. Shifting through the unnecessary 'garbage' information is a disadvantage as well. - [i]Self Preservatory Instincts:[/i] When the going gets tough, the James gets going. - [i]Fear of Commitment:[/i] Yup. - [i]Trustworthiness:[/i] Well, it's only a weakness once people figure out that he isn't. [center][u][b]Special Abilities / Traits / Attributes / Quirks[/b][/u][/center]+ [i]Thieving Skills:[/i] When you have an ability that's suited for taking down electronic locks and altering surveillance... + [i]Urban Exploration:[/i] Bit of a hobby of his, also provides a bit of parkour ability and helps out with the above. = [i]Voiced by Liam O'Brien:[/i] If that counts for anything. = [i]Good With Numbers:[/i] Ditto. = [i]Pop Culture References:[/i] As somebody who has the time and money to watch movies, check books out from the library, surf the web, and just generally be a normal human being, James is much more well-versed in the art of quoting media and current events. It seems that he'd lived a rather cushy life prior to all... [i]this.[/i] - [i]Avoided by Animals:[/i] Animals with sensitivity to electromagnetic/electric waves don't like him, and even before his ability he'd never had a good affinity with the animal kingdom. [center][u][b]Theme Song[/b][/u] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-SHNE8vaLEY&feature=kp]Flawed Design by Stabilo[/url] [/center] [/hider]