[CENTER][B][I]Veritas[/I][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][I]"The belief that there is only one truth, and that oneself is in possession of it, is the root of all evil in the world" ~ Max Born[/I][/CENTER] [CENTER]A collaboration by icmasticc/corneredbliss[/CENTER] ---- [B][U]100 years earlier[/B][/U] The world is a fucked up place. Rapists, serial killers, pedophiles, and many other degenerate types populate the globe and spread their malice amongst average citizens everywhere. On top of that, humans are so arrogant that groups of them in their respective countries decide to war with one another in order to steal each other's resources, treasures, women, or whatever. To make matters worse, within these wars there are those in power that decide that even children can be soldiers and recruit the young to help perform genocides everywhere. Sex slave trades still exist in the shadows and super wealthy minds of the twisted variety privately pay for the privilege to murder those they detest the most for the sheer sport of it. Of course there are also people who torture and kidnap for free just for drugs or simply for the hell of it - shits and giggles. The world is a very fucked place. Behind it all however there was something else brewing. Something that would come to wipe out humanity in its entirety if left unchecked. That's when they knew what they had to do. At some point in time, a group of five people evolved beyond their humanity and gained abilities which allowed them to influence the globe. They collectively came together and not only sealed away what was coming for man and its offspring, but rid the world of those who caused chaos and suffering. However, their methods were far from clean. The Guardians, as they came to be known, brought a destruction to the world the likes of which had never been seen before. Innocent people were caught during the global sweep and though the world came to a global peace after, it was one driven by fear of the Guardian's power. Humanity agreed to maintain the newly established peace in the world and the Guardians faded into obscurity to observe humankind from the shadows, making sure their work would never be undone. [B][U]Present Day[/B][/U] The world enjoys an unnatural tranquility. Memories of the Guardians have disappeared for the most part, though those in power know all too well of their history. Though questions arise regarding the new status of world order, governments everywhere remain hushed and most of the public go along with this silence. Most of the public. Hidden within their own like-minded groups are people who whisper of mythological beings possessing great power that once stormed the world in anger. No one has proof of these events, but that doesn't stop believers from continuing to spread their theories around. That is, until something happens. Something goes terribly wrong. A Guardian in the wrong place at the wrong time. A group of cultists who bear witness to the source of their fables. A plea for secrecy from a being who locked away the evils of the world. A simple response from a party who believe in a truth that cannot be shaken: [I][B]"We'll kill you. We'll kill you all."[/I][/B] ---- Welcome to an RP created by myself and corneredbliss! This will be a character-driven game with an equally interesting narrative of the dark fantasy genre. The pieces above a purposely a bit vague, but I will outline a few points. This is an RP where players will fill the role of the antagonists. In this RP, the world has already been saved from great evil. Malice has been pushed back and peace has engulfed society even if that peace was a result of fear from the ones who saved the world - the Guardians. This is where the main characters come in. Players will be able to enjoy a plot that focuses on the viewpoint of a group of villainous characters who wish to slaughter the Guardians even if that means releasing chaos and destruction into the world. Why, you ask? They are simply following their own personal truth, hence the name Veritas. The RP will follow the group as they enter the domain of the Guardians and seek to find and slay them all after inheriting abilities in the same vein as their "enemies". I did classify this as mature because certain themes will be presented throughout the RP as well as what some may consider disturbing imagery and such. We are seeking four players (for a total cast of five including myself; CorneredBliss will play the Guardians, enemies, and various NPCs) who are communicative, active, and interested in the sort of RP which allows players to be creative in a way that an advanced-tier RP should. A small cast will really work best with this RP so for that reason, the cast limit is firm. However, it is [B][U]not[/U][/B] first come, first serve. We will be choosing four players whom we think will fit best. For now however, we are seeking interest in the idea. Anybody interested? Also, don't hesitate to ask questions. I'll be glad to answer some to provide clarity if need be.