[hider=Click Here Please][img]http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/255/0/7/gabriel_by_eliz7-d6m2rtm.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Ophelia Katulai [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Personality:[/b] Outside of battle; Don't let her gentle look fool you. Though she can be polite and lady-like, Ophelia is haughty, narcissist and selfish. She sees herself and her peers at a higher level than everyone else (even if that may not be the case) and does not tolerate 'peasants'. Ophelia is also rather lethargic and lazy, not wanting to do things for herself if she can prevent it. She also has a bad habit of acting like a know-it-all despite the fact she is quite an ignorant person since she is still relatively young. On the other hand, she is quite an emotional person and can get easily upset. She has high standards and is easily enchanted with whimsical things such as lace, tea, and silk attire. Ophelia likes to keep things organized and precise, she's very uptight and gets flustered when things don't go according to plan. She usually sticks the blame on other people if things aren't in his favor because she's "better than that". She often likes to flaunt her beauty, and glares daggers at any woman that would so much as DARE to make themselves look nicer. She doesn’t flirt, unless it would play to her advantage. Her opinion on men is almost identical to women, accept her expectations for all men is that they act as gentlemanly as possible around her; her expectation for women to melt into the walls whenever she is around, or otherwise act polite. She sees herself as a mage of grand potential, and is not afraid to challenge a fight, unless someone used unsanitary magic. She is very selective when it comes to who she interacts with. If you are middle-lower class, you would consider yourself lucky she so much as flips her hair in your direction. On accident. She cherishes fashion and anything that glitters, and she can resort to thievery if she is not offered what she wants. She can be as quiet as a mouse, and then burst into a yell that rivals mage’s that use sound magic. Her one and only dream is to be declared the most beautiful maiden in all of Fiore, and will stop at nothing to achieve this dream so even her enemies will bow at her wonderfully manicured feet. Most of the time she comes off as unpleasant and pretty much hateable. She's usually direct and upfront (and expects others to be the same). In battle Ophelia had a grim way of looking at violence, she demonstrates a very childish and ignorant behavior. She is always seen smiling, and laughing at the demise of others. Ophelia is a free spirit and will do whatever she wants according to her whims, often causing her to ignore orders from teammates if she is in a team Ophelia will go her way no matter if she is wrong, she believes she is right and that her opinion is higher than everyone else's. Her often bubbly behavior in battle masks a very sociopathic individual, and she has shown a high degree of sadism. [b]History:[/b] Ophelia was born into a wealthy family, of course, her wealthiness was what made her who she was today(A rich bitch). Her mother and father were business people, and had little to no time in tending to the needs of their only daughter Ophelia. Her care was brought into the hands of her elderly nanny named Heidi. Heidi taught Ophelia manners, discipline, and educated her in many fields of learning. As the young girl grew older, her thirst for adventure grew as well, and this made her parents very weary. They tried restraining her from the outside world, but to no avail, none of it worked. Every night, the girl would slip out of her bedroom to explore at night, which has caused her some trouble. Her nanny Heidi supported her efforts, and when Ophelia flourished into a woman, Heidi helped pack the girls things and sent her off to travel. The woman traveled far and wide, stumbling upon Fairy Tail, her final resting place. ----- [b]Magic[/b] Primary Magic: Rock Form Magic Secondary Magic: N/A Caster or Holder: Caster Description: Rock form magic is a type of earth magic that can form to the users limbs when the user is present in the face of some form of rock(i.e. Mountain, boulder, ground, building, etc.) When the user uses their arm or leg in a certain motion a magic circle will be casted in front of the user morphing the rock into the shape of the arm or leg(Making an uppercut motion if the user made an uppercut motion). When the caster moves their arm or limb, a magic circle will appear on the nearest rock formation(i.e. the ground) and replicate the casters motion only once. If no form of rock is within 5 feet of the caster, nothing will happen. The rock fist/leg is the size of a king sized bed, though if the user were to make the fist/leg bigger, it would cost more energy. Strengths: - Able to hit multiple targets - It has a pretty good area of affect. - Most spells are able to be casted quickly. Weaknesses: - Weak to metal. - Cannot be casted if there is no rock around(i.e. Ocean, desert, etc.) - It drains the users energy quickly. - Can get eroded by water. [b]Moves[/b] Name: Rock Form: Fist Type: Rock, Offensive. Description: The caster curls up their fist and does an uppercut motion, causing a giant fist to form out of ground, if there is no rock on the ground, it will come off the wall. The potential to hit many targets is possible, If multiple targets were huddled together, then the caster could potentially hit all of them. The cool down is 2 posts. Strengths: - The spell has the potential to hit multiple targets - Has the potential to become massive, the default having the dimensions 7ft in Length, 8ft wide(To the knuckles of the fist), and the biggest size is around 21ft in Length, 24ft in wide(To the knuckles). - Multiple fists can be cast at once(4 fists). Weaknesses: - The spell cannot be cast unless the caster is near some form of rock - The bigger the attack is, the more energy it takes - The more fists you summon, the more time it takes to cast(1 post). - If the user doesn't punch forcefully enough, the spell might not activate. Name: Rock Form Lotus Type: Earth, offensive Description: If the user were to slam their two fists together it would activate their strongest move unleashing 6 arms at once from the ground/wall/etc. (This takes massive amounts of energy, and Ophelia rarely uses this unless she feels as though her opponent is far stronger than her). The fists will unravel into palms and slam down onto the target(They extend about 80 ft), they will fold over one another and when the last hand hits down, the fists will become immobile, just like the Rock Form Kick/Fist, they no longer move and will never move again. 30% energy, 7 post cool down. The arms are usually used all at once, once the move is used it can't be used sparingly, they last for around two posts though(3 arms per post). Strengths: - The fists are capable of taking out many targets, though fast moving ones are more trouble. - This has more potential for taking out stronger enemies. - It's her strongest move. Weaknesses: - It leaves the user exhausted and weak. - Their magic is drained and once using another attack(Rock Form Fist/Kick) their statues will be much much smaller.(The more energy wasted the small the fist/leg becomes. - - From it's default size being 7ft in Length, 8ft wide. It grows smaller by two feet the more they try to use Rock Form Fist/Kick. It stops by the time it grows to the size of the users hand/feet.) - If the user is below 50% energy then casting the spell can be fatal. This causes damage to the user if they summoned it. Taking away so much energy at once when your energy is already halved can be extremely painful, and the process can definitely be fatal, depending on your health condition. Name: Rock Form Kick Type: Rock, Offensive. Description: The caster kicks forward, causing a giant leg to form out of ground, if there is no rock on the ground, it will come off the wall. The potential to hit many targets is possible, if multiple targets were huddled together, then the caster could potentially hit all of them. The leg can’t bend in anyway like the fist can. The cool down is 2 posts. Strengths: - The spell has the potential to hit multiple targets - Has the potential to become massive. Its default size being 10ft in Length, 8ft from the heel to the second toe, and 4ft in width. Its biggest size is 35ft in Length, 24ft from the heal to the second toe, 12 ft in width. - Multiple kicks can be casted at once(4 just like the Rock Form Fist). Weaknesses: - The spell cannot be cast unless the caster is near some rock. - The bigger the attack is, the more energy it takes - The more feet you summon, the more time it takes to cast(Two posts) - Because it is a leg, it has no bending capabilities and will jut straight out. Name: Rock Form Cover Type: Earth/Rock, Defensive Description: When the caster pushes their hand against any kind of rock, a magic circled will appear and the rock will begin to spread like a living organism over the users body protecting the user for the duration of 2 posts. It's cooldown is 3 posts. Strengths: - It can absorb 2 spells before breaking. - The spreading of the rock over the users body is rather quick. - You can cast spells while inside the cover. Weaknesses: - The caster cannot move its legs while under the cover. - You cannot cast Lotus in this cover. - Any spells related to the feet/legs cannot be used while inside the cover. ----- [b]Family / Relationships:[/b] N/A [b]Other:[/b] Is it possible to be an S class? Though I am asking for a little bit too much.[/hider]