There she sat, dolling herself up. Ophelia was sitting at a table, close to the entrance of the guild hall, she was busy staring at her lovely features with a hand mirror. While the others sat quietly, Ophelia tended to her beauty, besides, sadness gave her wrinkles. The young girl used her free hand to touch the skin of her cheek, checking for any blemishes or scarring, she refused to let her skin get tarnished. After soaking in her beauty, Ophelia set the mirror down and rested her chin on her hands, examining the other guild members. They were such pigs... They were uncleanly, constantly wreaking of alcohol, and most used vulgar language... Though they were pigs, they were still guild members, and they did have some redeeming qualities, sadly enough. The guild grew quiet these days, especially since they were all starting on a clean slate. They were no longer the best guild in Fiore, they were practically the lowest of the low. She ran her fingers through her white hair and let out a small sigh of distaste. If only the guild were as lively as it used to be, but sadly that would require work, something that she highly dislikes but if it meant more pleasures, she'd be willing to do it. [i]"I'm back."[/i] A familiar voice announced. Calla. "How was your job?" A question Ophelia usually asked when members return from a long day of work.