[u]12:45[/u] Alex strolled through the town with a book plastered to her face. From an outsiders perspective, it seemed like it was rather unsafe, as it seemed like she literally had no idea what was in front of her. The reality wasn't that far off from that, although she did occasionally look up every now and then. Occasionally. [i]'History of the Martini'[/I]. A book she had read a couple times before, yet still hadn't managed to commit to memory -- although she was doing pretty well. That was the plan, when one day she could literally recite the history of every single drink in history. A daunting task, but she felt she could eventually do it. Yet reciting history was not what she was doing. Rather, she was waiting until somebody bumped into her. Literally. It hadn't quite occurred to her yet how strange that would sound if she said it aloud, but she found it a recurring theme in media that conversations would be started upon bumping into someone, causing everything to drop. Then bam, instant conversation, allowing her to practice socializing with strangers! She seemed to have forgotten that TV shows and movies mostly used cliché in [i]romances[/I], but it didn't seem to be working anyway. She'd been walking around for an hour, yet nothing had happened. Everybody just politely walked around her... and there were not enough people in the town in the first place. After another twenty minutes of pointlessly walking around, she finally had an inkling of just how mind-numbingly stupid she was being. Lowering the book, she sighed heavily, cursing the false advertising that was film and television. It was like fictional stories were not a proper representation of reality, or something. Ridiculous. She needed something better to do with her mornings and afternoons. Gardening could only take up so much time, and she wasn’t willing to spend the entire day doing it, nor did she want to stay at her house for the entire day. She decided to just go take a leisurely stroll through the forest for a bit.