[center] [b]Name:[/b] Bruce Stronghart [b]Age:[/b] 33 [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://th04.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2011/265/d/f/lord_robert_baratheon_by_awynt-d4amvq1.jpg[/img] credit goes to TawnyFritz on DeviantArt [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Allegiance:[/b] Supporter of the Immortal Nine [b]Class:[/b] Warrior [b]Profession:[/b] War General [b]Personality:[/b] ~Optimist//Idealist~ Bruce sees the good in everyone and doesn't believe that anyone or anything is wholly evil. To think that something was wholly evil, in his mind, would be an affront to the immortals as it would mean that they allowed something out of their control into their beloved world. Because of this, he is a cheery fellow who always try to see the best in most situations. Bruce is thoroughly convinced that goodness will come out of every situation, no matter how bleak or destructive. ~Narcissist//Full-of-Himself~ Bruce is strong, powerful, handsome, and a general. Narcissism comes naturally to him. No one can love Bruce as Bruce loves himself and he makes sure everyone around understands that. He is constantly praising himself for the smallest and greatest achievements and never fails to explain to people just how amazing he is. Of course, he understands that at some points this can annoy people, and thus he usually expresses his narcissistic side as a sort of joke. ~Charming//Intelligent~ If you're going to say one thing about Bruce, say that he's charming. Despite being considered one of the strictest generals in Kathar's army, he believes leniency outside of the military is a must, and does this by showing off his charm and quick tongue. Coupled with his charm is his intelligence. He is a skilled tactician in warfare, learned in sciences and mathematics, and a decent merchant if he puts his mind to it. People are quick to assume warriors with thick armour and large muscles are brutes with little to no knowledge, and Bruce learned the value of knowledge at a young age from an unlikely group of urchins and began teaching himself for his own gains. [b]Biography:[/b] Bruce grew up raised only by a single mother with three other siblings, their father having died in battle against a bandit raid. As he was growing up, his mother used to tell them tales of their father's great achievements and what a great soldier he was. Bruce, at a young and tender age, made a promise to himself that he would become a soldier like his father and began "training" every afternoon and evening on trees and other kids, constantly getting into fights and causing all sorts of trouble. At the age of eight he joined a street gang comprised of rebellious kids, street urchins, and older teens who had nothing better to do with their time. His presence in the gang grew throughout the years and at the age of eleven he was voted on as it's leader where the gang experienced it's most prosperous period yet. With Bruce as it's leader, the gang raided the local bakery, butcher, and various other buildings to get their hands on items and trinkets to sell to other merchants. However, as the gang grew, the city guards grew tougher within the area and eventually at the age of fifteen, Bruce thought it best to disband the gang before they all ended up dead. A few agreed with his idea, while most called him cowardly and unreasonable. After he left the gang he signed up for the military along with a few members from his previous gang. It was clear from day one that his superiors thought very little of him and they made sure that he knew it by abusing his rights and making him do the most menial tasks. However, his goal to become as great as his father drove him to mostly ignore his superior's bullying and practice relentlessly to prove his worth as a man and a soldier. It eventually paid off as his rank within the army grew quickly and was promoted to Captain at the age of twenty. Around that time he took a year off to go back to his family and check up on them, revisiting his younger siblings to note that one of them had joined the second oldest, a young woman, joined the assassin's guild, and the next joined the merchant's guild while the last, a boy, stayed behind to watch over their dying mother. He told his youngest sibling to go and pursue his dream while he took over for him and towards the end of the year witnessed his mother's death. The siblings all came back together after Bruce sent them word of their mother's death and once the burial was complete, he went back to the army and they welcomed him back with open arms. Inside, he partook leading in a few raids and skirmishes, proving his tactical prowess which eventually got him to be promoted to general at the age 31. Most thought his promotion to be a poor choice, mostly the older generals, but despite the prostests he wasn't demoted and continued to be a general and one of the most influential amongst them. When the party drew near, the Empress sent a letter of invitation to him to join her at the party and to feast with her during the afternoon, as a recognition of his amazing feats within the army. He gladly accepted the invitation and once the feast was over and the sun was beginning to set, he went to the Rat's Tail with a few of his former gang mates where they saw a crowd forming around an old storyteller and decided to listen in. [b]Weapon of Choice:[/b] Bastard Sword [b]Powers & Abilities:[/b] ~Supreme Tactician & Warrior~ Bruce's tactical skills are surpassed by only a few individuals within the kingdom and he is often considered as something of a prodigy. Spending more than half of his life within the army have given him skills and intuition often unknown to most bandits and mercenaries; his discipline, strength, and skills make him a formidable enemy and an equally great ally. ~Leadership~ One of the main focuses of the military is leadership, and being a general within the army proves Bruce to be a capable and well talented leader. He is cool under stress, quick of mind, and uses all of his skills to dish out orders that will give the best possible outcome of any situation. ~Magic~ Although his magic isn't the greatest as his main focus is on melee combat, but it is enough to heal himself from small wounds such as minor cuts, bruises, and injuries related to that. However using even that tires him out extraordinarily quickly, and because of that he uses it sparingly. He also has the minor ability of slightly intimidating his enemies with a small aura, causing those weak of mind to cower from his presence. [b]Relationships:[/b] Luther Tamehart - Father -deceased- Lara Tamehart - Mother -deceased- Fiona Tamehart - Sister -within the Assassin's Guild- Connor Tamehart - Brother -with the Merchant's Guild- Bran Tamehart - Brother -A mercenary- [b]Other:[/b] Bruce has an unnatural love for apple pie; it is often joked that should the enemy leader present Bruce with apple pie during a war he would stop it in order to eat the pie and continue it once he was done. [/center]