Rogers looked over to Banner who seemed to be needed. He had his attention on the Bartons who were having their reunion. His attention back on Bruce, the captain nodded. "I'll watch over Agent Barton." Seeing with her own eyes just battles like this played out, Riza didnt much she could take of this ongoing battle. She was use to things like this, battles that went on for what felt like eternity, she was feeling.tired and yet the adrenaline had kicked in and kept her going, the young Stark wanted to run, wanted.this to end, wish that this was only a dream. But with a punch to her gut, Riza felt the force and fell to her knees. Cold Steel had a dent from the frost giant that had used an ice like mace. Yet she got back up to fight. The numbers started dwindling slowly to the point that now the fight was at the Company her parents ran. With nothing to settle here Riza looked to her father. "Dad, we need to do something, initiating the roll call. Brings the suits in. Or at least the suits that can help." Riza suggested, her voice rigid and shaky.