[center][b]Name:[/b] Cerise Mansfield [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://s201.photobucket.com/user/Chii_Fureya/media/PixivId41184full1202567.jpg.html][IMG]http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa254/Chii_Fureya/PixivId41184full1202567.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Allegiance:[/b] Supporter of the Immortal Nine [b]Class:[/b] Mage [b]Profession:[/b] Noble Healer [b]Personality:[/b] [i]~Level-headed/Calm~[/i] In general, Cerise maintains a calm demeanor, even if she is panicking internally. As the oldest child and a caregiver for the ill, she learned that it is always important to keep a cool exterior and to assure others that they are safe in order to maintain order. By keeping her emotions in check, she can make decisions based on the most logical solution. [i]~Cold/Distant~[/i] A seemingly unusual trait for a healer, Cerise can often seem as if she keeps others at a distance. However, she does this only in their best interest, as she believes that it is an important step towards not becoming emotional when someone is ill or hurt so that she can do her best work to help them. To her, healing is a science that must be approached empirically. Getting too attached or too emotional with her patients will only lead her to make more errors. [i]~Logical/Intelligent~[/i] As mentioned previously, Cerise's typical approach to problems is to use logic. Over the past six years she has spent living within the castle walls, she has read almost the entire palace library. She has a hunger for knowledge and is always eager to learn more, as she sees her knowledge as being practical and applicable to her daily life. She finds use and meaning in everything she learns, even things she learns from fictional stories. [i]~Stubborn/Spoiled~[/i] Cerise grew up being idolized for her talents. As a result, she doesn't take criticism too well, if she takes it at all. She doesn't like being told by others how to do things and believes that her method is always right. Even in areas she admits she doesn't have much proficiency in, such as sword-fighting, she is slow to warm to the idea of criticism. It takes a very patient and tolerant trainer to teach Cerise. [i]~Family-oriented~[/i] In her very core, Cerise loves her family, and it is the only thing that she allows herself to get emotional about. She is also slightly self-conscious of her strong feelings when it comes to her family, but she will defend them with all her being. [b]Biography:[/b] Cerise was born and raised in the port town of Ronin, where she was the only trusted healer by the age of sixteen. She was following in the footsteps of her mother, Mara, who had become too ill to work. She learned magic by watching her mother as a child. Mara was a very gentle and soft-spoken women, and as a result, her magic was gentle and soft-spoken. Around Cerise's 20th birthday, Mara passed away, leaving her and her father to care for her four younger siblings. However, they were fairly poor, living off only Cerise's earnings as a healer and her father's earnings as a fisherman and with six mouths to feed. They survived together, though, and were generally happy. Several months after Mara's death, two guards from the palace in Kathar approached Ronin. They had heard rumors of a mage with considerable potential living in those parts, and they had arrived to recruit her. They explained that the Empress was growing old and frail, and that she needed a healer to stay by her side at all times to ensure her good health. They promised Cerise and her family comfort and wealth for the rest of their days, if only Cerise would leave immediately with them to Kathar to beginning her training and work. They also promised to teach her more extensive magic, something she had little experience with. Cerise barely hesitated to leave. She wanted what was best for her family, but she was also excited by the idea of learning new things and seeing places beyond her small port town. Now having lived in the palace of Kathar for six years, she's become accustomed to the lifestyle of a noble, and has perhaps become a bit spoiled as a result, but never forgets her roots. She has also become an incredibly skilled white mage. Unlike her mother, she went beyond simple healing spells and learned to use magic in the defense of herself and others. Her mentor, an old mage named Kuzin, taught her that magic is so powerful and rare that it should never be used to lash out at others. Instead, it should be used to defend and protect those you love and treasure. To this day, Cerise take her mentor's message to heart as best as she can, but can't help but feel overwhelmed with how much power she has and how little she feels she actually does with it. On the day of the Empress's assassination, Cerise was only rooms away, and was the first to find her dead, alerting the guards with her screams. [b]Weapon of Choice:[/b] Generally unarmed, but carries a staff to channel her magic when she travels outside the kingdom [b]Powers & Abilities: [/b] [i]~Healing~[/i] Cerise's healing abilities are considered to be at the level of expertise. She can heal using magic alone, or with the use of herbs and potions. [i]~Herbology/Potion-making~[/i] Cerise knows how to identify and use plants in the wild to heal ailments, such as poisoning. She can also use these plants to make potions that can heal or harm others in various ways. [i]~Magic~[/i] Cerise has as a strong understanding of light magic and can effectively apply her knowledge in moments of danger. She can create force-fields and barriers, manipulate refracting light to strike enemies, and even temporarily cloak herself or others to be unseen by enemies, among other more minor skills. [b]Relationships: [/b] Mara Mansfield - Mother -deceased- Calvin Mansfield - Father -Fisherman living in Ronin- Quinn Mansfield - Younger sister (age 16) Luc Mansfield - Younger brother (age 21) Oliver Mansfield - Younger brother (age 14) Noelle Mansfield - Younger sister (age 12)[/center]