Rebel stayed in the back of the group quietly, listening to how the rest of the others talk excitedly about becoming trainers. She wasn’t too much of a wet blanket, allowing a small smile on her face as her own calm form of excitement. She looked around the area, wondering how long it would take her to memorize its layout or even its inhabitants, human and Pokemon alike. Suddenly, as Rebel stared hard at the ground for something to concentrate on, she head butted someone’s back rather hard as she realized they had made it to the bungalows. Thanks to gravity, she landed roughly on the ground. Scarlet faced, she got up on her own, her clothes covered in dirt and items from her bag had escaped. She suspected this was going to happen and wondered why did they thought she of all people were Ranger material. Rebel collected her fallen items and did her best to brush off the dirt, embarrassed to the brim as she noticed some people were looking at her, but luckily not all as the senior Rangers were calling up names. Speaking of which, as she was on the ground, Rebel had heard her name be called. [i]Oh dear,[/i] she couldn’t help think several times as she didn’t want to ruin her reputation even more. She was caught behind the too large crowd, mumbling a small “Pardon me,” but not being heard through the still too excited voices of the soon-to-be Rangers. She knew it was her fault for staying behind in the group, and took the liberty of going all the way around the clustered group. Rebel’s expression was equal to that of a Deerling in headlights as she had no idea what she was doing. She looked to the senior Rangers, and was directed quickly with the point of a finger. She wondered if the timid senior was similar to her when she met her team. Although Rebel doubted she managed to fall into mud and drop most of her things in mud as well. She really hoped the bungalows had a washing machine; this was her favorite sweater. She shuffled toward her group that consisted of a girl with pretty rather unnatural pink hair and a dark haired boy with goggles. Then of course, there was her. The other female senior Ranger had said she’s be in the same squad as them for all of her career as a Ranger. She really hoped she didn’t hold them back. Rebel simply stood there, fumbling with her hands as they were supposed to interact with their newly formed teams. She glanced up as an attempt to start conversation but found her words couldn’t escape her and looked back at the ground at her shoes.