[quote=FiendishFox] Interested. How large is the map/each nation going to be? [/quote] In terms of figures, population and land sizes will be similar to kingdoms during the dark ages, and early middle ages. The map will consist of provinces, which will be all the provinces you players will create, and the provinces already on the map, Lundland itself will be between 150,000 and 200,000 sq. miles. Each province will take anywhere between 48 to 12 hours to cross, depending on whether roads exist in the province. There exists a decent degree of customization in terms of land, so I can't say for certain how large nation will be. One player might have a city-state of three provinces, while another might control a vast scrubland of 50 provinces, and yet another might have 10 provinces of fertile countryside. I suspect the average player kingdom to have between 10 and 20 provinces, containing a hundred thousand people, with an army of one thousand on the lower end, three thousand on the cautious end, five thousand on the higher end, and as much as eight thousand in times of desperation. Their wealth will likely be tied mostly to agriculture, with unscrupulous pillaging of neighbouring lands to make up for poor harvests, or otherwise desperate times. [quote=LordZell] I'm interested. Also wondering if we could have wisemen aka wizards and such? [/quote] There will be no fantasy elements in this NRP. Things will be kept realistic. This is mostly due to personal preference, but also partially due to magic being a bit of a gamebreaker at times, even if its power is clearly defined. To all others, thank you for your interest and compliments. I will begin working on kingdom sheets/finishing the rules. I've got work tomorrow, so you're likely to see it the day after, but I might be able to find time.