The first sense awakening to the sleeping shade was touch...small hopping feet, very slight, over the gnarly chest plate of his armour. Soon it travelled up onto his chin, and soon his forehead. [b]*hop hop hop*[/b] [b]*hop hop hop*[/b] [b]*HOP HOP HOP*[/b] [b]"CHIRP CHIRP CHIR-"[/b] The small little bird didn't have enough time to let out it's final chirp, when a hand reached up and grasped it in a gnarly gauntlet. Sitting it in the grass, faded fingers of sunlight weren't quite enough to fight back the darkness of his presence. Brushing some loose grass from his hair, he was just about to set his helm back on when he noticed the broken thing in his hand, as it dropped onto the grass noiselessly. It was...a dumb animal, this bird, for have ignored the darkness of his presence. Against all instinct, ignored the barrenness, how this particular section under the trees was darker than even the deeper parts of this forest, much colder. The limp body breathed the few breaths of a dying songbird, wings folded along it's hadn't even been ready to fly, and now much of it was crushed. Feeling guilty for this one dumb animal, Night set his helm onto his lap and reached for the broken bird. The small bird didn't move, but its heartbeat did quicken at the return touch of his gauntlet. Its small, yellow chest was moving in and out rapidly now, almost painfully so. This was…good, it had a strong will to live. Bringing it up to his mouth, its heart beating even harder, he breathed a gentle sigh over it. A faint black mist flowed from his mouth and into the bird. He could feel its pulse quicken on his hand…then slow, calm. Would this be the first animal he’d have healed? Soon, it sprung onto its feet in a lively manner, hopping along his gauntleted hand and up his arm, beginning its little merry song. Or course, his eyes didn’t miss that its own were now glowing a bright red, each of its feathers changing, thinning and pointing out like little blades and razors. Shocked, and yet not really, it flew up into the air just a foot up over his head before an arrow pierced through it and pinned it to the tree just a few feet away. The arrow shone brightly for only a moment, but that was enough to know just who shot the thing. “Dear friend of mine, how are you this fine day...of mine?” The man stepped out from the brush, clad in fancy white nobility garb, and at the same time…the area in which Night sat seemed brighter that it had previously, but only slightly. The man he knew as Day reached over and plucked the arrow and songbird off the tree, then wrenched the abomination’s body off of his arrow scornfully. The body was held up and away from himself, the golden haired man leaned down and tried his best to white the foul blood off on the taller grass, before speaking up again, “So, my friend…was that another attempt at ‘healing’, now?” Night knew it wasn’t intentionally asked in a smug manner, but it felt much that way, even if a small creature’s life was involved, “Please, don't spare me the details. What are your theories as to what I had been doing?” Where he sat, he didn’t have to look at his friend, to see his expression or look in his eyes...he didn't care for them right now. The white clad man returned the now clean arrow back to his silvery quiver, and wagged a finger out, like he was addressing a child, “Tut tut, friend. If you need a healer, you should’ve come to me, I’d have been happy to help!” “This I know, yes. Even so, I’d like to try and right my own mistakes when I can, even if it only ends...badly." He could almost smirk coldly at this, 'At least I don't have to say I didn't try.', "It didn't matter what happened in the past few minutes, I didn't even have to be here. That bird was already dead.” Day looked over at his friend Night, now securing his helmet, “Well…I apologise, but I really must be heading off, friend! There is a damsel in distress somewhere nearby, and I really must get going! If you see Sun later today, let her know that the North Wind is still very much interested in courting her. Fair well, friend!” With that, the white clad man stepped through more bushes till he was out of sight…and Night was once more left alone in his darkness. Letting out a louder sigh, he wondered once more why he had bothered waking up in the middle of the morning. Ah, yes, the bird…it had woken him up, and now he wouldn’t be able to return to his slumber because of it. Night got up onto his feet, let out a loud trill of a whistle, before leaning against the side of the tree. In the distance, the sound of his faithful horse’s hoof beats, louder every second.