[Hider=Marko] Name: Marko Gender: Male Age: 23 Appearance: [img=http://img39.imageshack.us/img39/681/92afbf9d1236913127632.jpg] Hunter Type: Information Hunter Nen Type: Manipulation Nen abilities: Nano Swarm: Marko releases tiny robotic nano bugs, these bugs are controlled by nen and can hack into computers, attack enemies weak points, or deliver messages/tiny bombs. Power Surge: Using his nen he supercharges his robotic arms, and gets a massively increased movement and reactions, and with his already above average strength, can be a deadly combo. Once used it lasts for 5-10 mins, and when done, makes him very weak and he needs to eat a lot for all the energy used. Code Command: Record: When ever this ability is activated, he can record any fighting style, and use it later. He has stored basic material arts, up to a master degree. He can switch styles immediately, and even mix them together (By custom coding) Personality: Marko is a very smart and reserved person, only speaking when needing to, but is always taking in information, and storing it away for later use. He has a photographic memory, so he can recall a vast amount of information. When killing, he has no emotion and will do anything to protect himself/his info. History: Marko is from [url=http://hunterxhunter.wikia.com/wiki/Meteor_City ] MeteorCity[/url]. When he was only 3 years old, his parents died and his arms had to be amputated. Luckily he was given robotic arms that are controlled by him. He was raised his uncle, a famous mob hacker/phantom troupe informant, and was taught how to hack technology and computers from a young age. when he turned 18, he was sent by his uncle to be an outside informant. He met up with troupe other troupee members, who taught him nen he then worked for them for a couple years, and on his 21 birthday was given permission to become a hunter, to work on his on career as an information broker. He passed the hunter examine very easily because of his use of nen, and quickly became known for his quality information. He travels the world gathering info through espionage and stealing secrets. Marko has been in very tight situations, and has adapted his nen techniques to become more combat oriented, and can be very hard to fight. [/hider]