I may make a character for this. Consider this a reserved spot until otherwise noted. .:EDIT:. [b][u]Name:[/u][/b] Annekra Blyuthstyl [b][u]Age:[/u][/b] Forty-two. [hider=Appearance:] [img=http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t291/o0love0o14/e5f8a759-8e43-4e76-b2ff-6e1b16f62e17_zps2e0b9f86.png?t=1401627291][/hider] [b][u]Race:[/u][/b] Gryorga [hider=The Gryorgan Race] The Gryorgan bodily structure is mostly humanoid. They are more muscular, in the sense that gaining muscle is easier for them than it is for humans and that growing fat or even just heavy is next to impossible. Their bones are stronger, thicker and heavier than human bones, almost as if they were made from rock. Their skin is course and rough to touch, much like running your hand over a piece of sandpaper. It varies greatly in color; from dark brown to almost-white gray. Almost all Gryorga have freckle-like spots on their shoulders, hips, hand and feet. Some have them other places, such as the face or the back, as well. Their hair is thicker and courser than most human hair and come in the same variety of color as human hair, with gray and white being normal colors, as well. Their eyes are made up of only pupil, which gives them excellent night vision, but also makes them incredibly sensitive to light and sunlight in particular. They are nocturnal by nature, though some choose to roam the daylight. A Gyrorgan tail is made of their rock-like bones; an extension of their spinal cord, which is just as visible as their tail. Despite the appearance of the structure, the entire spine is actually covered in a layer of hard, transparent muscle and a layer of course, transparent skin. Gryorga have antlers growing from their hairline; these antlers follow the shape of their scalps until their puberty. Depending on the age that a Gryorga hit puberty, their antlers may be more or less curved. The antlers seem to serve no actual purpose, other than determining maturity and/or attractiveness. Gryorga males are usually taller and leaner than Gryorga females, but their antlers usually grow bigger and wider. Gryorga have a longer living span than humans. They are considered “children” until they hit puberty, when their antlers stop following the shape of their scalp, which happens sometime between the age of thirty and the age of fifty. They are then “teenagers” until they mature, when their antlers stop growing, which varies from just a decade to a full century. Once they are matured, they seem to stop aging. Both Gryorgan males and females are able to carry children. Male Gryorga, however, can only carry male children, whereas female Gryorga can carry both males and females. Male Gryorga cannot breastfeed their children and male Gryorgan pregnancy cannot happen by “accident”; in fact, it is a quite odd ritual. As per tradition, Gryorgan children's surnames are decided by which parent carries them. Their surname will be their “mother”'s first name followed by -tyl if the carrier was a female and by -tael if the carrier was male. Gryorgan attractiveness is decided by the size of the antlers; especially for the males. Wide hips, large feet and large “freckles” are also considered attractive. Large breasts, for females, are considered unattractive as is visible muscle mass for both males and females. [/hider] [b][u]Allegiance:[/u][/b] Supporter of the Immortal Nine [b][u]Class:[/u][/b] Warrior & Merchant [b][u]Profession:[/u][/b] Weapon Smith [b][u]Personality:[/u][/b] >Curious/Nosy< Annekra is very curious about almost everything. She has an urge to know every- and all things that are going on around her. More often than not, people find this behavior annoying and state her to be nosy. >Protective/Loyal< By nature, most Gryorga are very protective of their kin, be they close family or a different “tribe” altogether. They are especially protective of their mates and children and will oftentimes sacrifice themselves in order to keep those they hold dear safe. Such a bond can, obviously, also be made outside of their own kind. What we call “friends”, a Gryorga will call an “Illyu”, which roughly translates into an “off-kin”. They treat these “Illyu” like they would their own children. >Social/Talkative< Annekra loves to meet new people and she loves it even better to get to know these people. She wants nothing more than for everyone to be her friend. She even tends to butt into other people's conversations in an attempt to get to know them and their situations. >Ill-tempered< Unlike what most people would believe when first meeting Annekra, she has a temper that is not to be messed with. It does not take much to tick her off and when she does, she will throw tables around and scream bloody murder. [hider=Biography:] Annekra was born during the late summertime, just as the fruits on the trees and bushes were ready to pluck and eat. For the first two weeks of her life, her mother carried her around without ever putting her down. She even slept curved around her newborn daughter. Even her mate and son were not allowed to touch the little female. For three weeks after that, only the father was allowed near the child. Then the son. When Annekra was three months old, her mother finally allowed for the rest of their family to see her. Annekra was the first female to be born for close to a century. This was not uncommon, though. Many a time had it taken several decades before another female would be born, but the Elders of their tribe had begun worrying. For the first few years of her life, Annekra had nothing to do but grow, as per Gryorgan customs. Children were to play and grow; no reason to worry their little heads with anything more than that. Some races had their children work or train to become adults, but the Gryorga saw no reason for that; with the length of their lives, there was no rush. So Annekra grew. Her older brother, Marvia, mocked her about her height; he stood a whole head taller than her, despite him being just a few months older. Annekra, however, was stronger and easily wrestled her brother's face to the dirt. He did not find that funny in the least. Their parents explained to them that it was normal; males were taller than females and females were stronger than males. It was just the course of nature. By the time Annekra was fifteen, she was done growing. She reached her brother to the chest, but could still ground him like a feather. Her younger brother, Petli, who was six years younger than her had already outgrown her. She could ground him, too. She had discovered that her small, compact body was easier to maneuver than their long, lean limbs. She could dance around them like a bee circling a flower and they could never touch her. Her mother, the Weapon Smith of their little village, chose her twentieth birthday to hand Annekra a hammer and smoldering piece of iron for the first time. Annekra thought it was fun. She was a quick learner, too. It was just around her thirtieth birthday that she was promoted from apprentice to courier. She was to transport the weapons to the places they were to be sold. For nearly a decade, Annekra spent more time away from her family than she did with it. Whenever she was home, she and her brothers would sleep in a pile on their living room floor, rather than their respective beds. It was never long before she had to travel away once more, though. Many a time, during her travels, did she come upon a group of bandits out to loot her wares. Luckily, she was strong as an ox and would allow no such things. The ones with blades, though, tended to be a bit problematic. On one of her periods in her home village, she took it upon herself to make some weapons that she could defend herself with. Even if her skin and muscle served like a protection to her inner workings, it still hurt very badly to be cut and it took several months to heal. This was when she made her curved hunting knives. She learned how to use them in real-life situations during her travels. Her antlers stopped following the curve of her head when she was thirty-eight. There was a party to celebrate the end of her childhood and the beginning of her journey to maturity. Her brother, Marvia, had yet to reach puberty, so Annekra was smug about it. It was a joyous occasion, nonetheless, and ever her brother found it in his heart to be happy for her. Not that long ago; a month perhaps, at most, Annekra was asked to go to Kathar. Thinking it was a normal courier job, Annekra immediately agreed. Only when she saw the proud sadness in her mother's eyes, did she realize that she would not be returning from this task. She had been asked to smith weapons for the city; the City Guards, even. She slept in a pile with her brother's, that morning, much to their delight. She left before the sun had set without a goodbye to anyone. It was simply too much, saying goodbye. With a bag full of weapons and the letter from the city, she left her home behind without plans to ever return. [/hider] [b][u]Weapon of Choice:[/u][/b] Annekra carries with her more than a few weapons. She carries a pair of curved hunting knives in sheathes on the back of her belt as her main weapons of choice. [hider=Curved Hunting Knives] [img=http://www.christies.com/lotfinderimages/d52489/d5248944l.jpg][/hider] Her other weapons are in her duffel bag. [b][u]Powers & Abilities:[/u][/b] -=Weapon Smithing=- As the daughter of a weapons smith, Annekra was taught how to make weapons, how to tell metals apart and to see the quality, or lack thereof, of a blade. With their keen eyesight and incredible muscle mass, Gryorga are known to be some of the best Weapon Smiths around. -=Enhanced Strength and Durability=- Like any and all other Gryorga, Annekra is much stronger than a human. Her muscle mass is much thicker and more compact, like a bullet-proof vest below her skin. That, along with her thick bones and hard skin make her about as tough as a rock. -=Knife Wielding=- As taught by her trade, Annekra carries a weapon on her person at all times; her usual choice being a pair of curved hunting knives. She is quite talented at the use of these and her compact build allows her swift movement for the use of them. [b][u]Relationships:[/u][/b] Mother – Blyuths Tannematyl Father – Greplia Oprelahtyl Oldest brother – Marvia Grepliatael Younger brother – Petli Blyuthstyl Youngest brother – Nianda Blyuthstyl [b][u]Other:[/u][/b] [u]Dictionary[/u] "Illyu" - The Gryorgan word "Illyu" is a word they use for friends, though the bond they are describing is much stronger, like a sibling or a child. "Illyu" roughly translates into "off-kin". "-tyl" - "-tyl" is the ending of the surname given to a Gryorga that has been carried by their mother. Their surname will be the mother's first name followed by "-tyl". "-tael" - "-tael" is the ending of the surname given to a Gryorga that has been carried by their father. Their surname will be their father's first name followed by "-tael". "Threabon" - "Threabon" is an expression used by Gryorga that expresses the burning sensation in their eyes when it is too light out. Also used as a word for "day".