Furnia smiled in the vanity as Celeste brushed her hair softly. Furnia was excited. Her husband was said to be coming home today. She looked st Celeste through the mirror with a sense of sadness but also hope. "I am so happy you are here, Celeste." Celeste gave her a ghost of a smile and said "yes, master." Furnia sighed and turned to her in her nightgown. "Celeste, you know we have no need for such formalities! Please, call me Furnia!" Celeste looked at her in silent surprise. The [i]Queen[/i] wants to be on a first name basis with... her? Celeste blinked a few times before saying softly "o-okay, F-Furnia." Furnia smiled ecstatically. "Thank you! Now," -she turned back to the vanity- "tell me about yourself. What do you like to do? How is your family? Things of that nature." Celeste looked at her before continuing brushing her hair. She said after a long, silent second "I do not have a family. I was... taken at a young age, Ma- Furnia." Celeste smiled softly at her. "Do not frett so. I like to accompany you. As for what I like to do, I like to write stories and dream." Furnia smiled at the young girl. Celeste was no younger than her, but she was still her queen. "I apologize for the past descretions the former king and queen allowed. Sadly, I hold no power in my kingdom." Celeste looked at Furnia with an assuring look. "I assure you, you have more power than you give yourself credit, Your Grace. The nobility may not bow as low as us lower class, but respect is still beating in their blue-blooded veins." Furnia chuckled gracefully. "Ah, yes. Now I understand why you enjoy writing." Celeste blushed a bright red. After that, Celeste said to the young queen "I must do my chores, Ma-Furnia." Furnia looked up at her and smiled. "Yes, yes. Please." Celeste bowed and quickly walked out the room to get to her chores. Furnia went to sit on her bed with an interested look on her visage. "Interesting girl..." --- Ani, already awake and in a long, white gown that cascaded from the corset; saw Ash walk into the room. She smiled and said "ah yes! The perfect day for me to play with the children in the village! We must eat quickly if we want to leave before the suitors come!" She collected the skirt of her dress in her arms with a huff. "I cannot stand these hellish things!" She looked up at Ash with a grin. "I also want to ready myself for the pending war. Unless you are not up for the task." Ani had always been an energetic girl, but this was the first time she had been so energetic in the morning. She needed it. Today was the day her mother died. Her father died soon after. On these days, she was at her most outgoing. She also wanted to leave before the suitors came around. They were so aggrivating! She thought them too proud of their boring lives and they expected her to be a common trophy wife? No. She was going to be her own person.