[i]"I'm thirsty..."[/i] He didn't know why he said it out loud, it was not as if there was anybody who'd hear him, and if there was they probably wouldn't be carrying around water anyway. Shayre sighed, wiping his forehead. He had been walking for hours straight now, and he had no idea where he was going. What he did know, was that he was far away from where he woke up, and he hadn't seen water since then. He shouldn't have left... The water had been still, and too warm to be healthy, but as thirsty as he was right now he would have drank anything. A rock in front of his feet turned out to be slightly higher than he suspected, and he stumbled, catching himself quickly, but not before scraping his shin. [i]"This is madness."[/i] It was now that he stood still that he realized how dizzy he was. He squatted down on the ground, his hands planted firmly on a root in order to stabilize his swaying body. He had to get his shit together. Through a haze he studied his left hand. Something was wrong with it. It was red, which probably meant it was bleeding. Then why didn't his hand hurt? And why didn't his brain function the way it was supposed to? Thinking made his head hurt, it was a throbbing that had started when he first tried to figure out where he was, and hadn't seemed to go away no matter how far he had walked. Okay, no more complicated thoughts. Just small steps to get there. Backtrace. He was sitting now. Before that? He frowned, trying to ignore the pain. He remembered... walking. A lot of it. Trees, rocks, things to step over, to walk around... Step by step. No pain in his hand. The only things that were hurting was his throat, that needed water soon, and his head. Always his head. He felt sweat dripping down his brow, and he absentmindedly wiped at it with his right hand. Now this one was red too... His head... He shifted his weight, feeling how he slowly fell -no rolled- backwards against a tree. Soft... Why was a tree so soft? It didn't matter. It was soft, and he wouldn't be able to stand anyway, what with the entire world tolling around as it did.