[quote=Alphakoka] Uhmm, I don't think there's a limit on how high someone could fly, I was asking for curiosity, though if she has frail build, I doubt she can fly as high as other people with better endurance due to the temperature and wind strength, dunno.For the speed though...Um, well, you realize that charging would mean she won't be able to move as fast as she can, right? She practically might feel like she's standing still during charging. I take it the numbers next to names in the ability are how much Dust used for it? They also share Dust capacity, right?Note: If she had next to no physical strength, I doubt trying to parry or bat flying projectiles is a good idea. [/quote] 1. Your right. I should set a limit to how high she can fly with ease then any higher would take considerable concentration. I think that would be fair. you? 2. Yes. I completely understand the charging movement restrictions. I though she would be able to hover or something similar but still be able to fly. 3.You Win! Yes, the number on the sides of the skill indicate how much dust she needs to perform and the name besides indicates which personality is able to use which skill. Those with out indicators can be used by both. Also, you are right they all do share the same Dust capacity for they are both the same body 4. She doesn't need physical strength. Her weapon has no weight what so ever to her but is able to augment its own weight and size for all others. If that makes any sense... I think that answers all of your thoughts. Feel free to critique as hard as you want. I am forever a student.