Shigetoshi clamped his mouth shut as Tatsuki touches him. Shigetoshi's focus in those few seconds come down to that hand on his back. He couldn't move until the hand was gone. Even then he shifted a little bit away from the younger man and still kept his mouth shut lest something stupid come out of it. Especially considering the worlds coming out of Tatsuki's mouth. Was he flirting with him? Men taking male lovers had become more and more taboo in society even since the West started trading with them. Perhaps Tatsuki realized Shigetoshi's proclivities, even though he tried his hardest to hide them from the guests, and was now teasing him? But no, that didn't seem right. So perhaps he was flirting. Ancestors. What did one do when they were being flirted to? Seeing, or rather feeling, that some sort of response was probably required Shigetoshi muttered a small "Thanks." But it ended up sounding more like a question. Feeling idiotic and more than off balance he turned his full attention, or as of much it was possible, to the dishes. He scrubbed the dirty dishes as if they had some how offended him. The sooner he got the dishes done, the young Innkeeper reasoned, the sooner he could retreat to his own room. (And hopefully perish of embarrassment in peace)