-"Well Sheirly, you don't have to worry for us sweet bum. I know this tunnels like the back of my pocket. And even if we got the supplies what would we do with them? Fly to the moon? Cause I know I would, would you fly to the moon?" Fuaad walks up to Shierly and lay an arm over her shoulders. He smiles at her, showing he was only joking with her. "I'm sure Jake don't mind you tagging along, and even if he do mind he can't say no anyway. Now what I want to know before we leave is why nobody who is a part of your camp take on this 'extremely urgent super important quest of great need'?" Fuaad looks at her with questioning eyes because it is indeed intriguing. "Even if everyone is busy with something I'm sure there must be someone who can drop something and get it done? Oh wait... That's why you are here Sheirly! Dalston Junction's heroine, saving the day with the help from two strangers. If I had paper I would draw a comic for you." The packi give her a hearty laugh and then swing out an open arm, inviting her to take the point and to explain the situation for Fuaad and Jake.