"It's going to be like that for awhile..." Ophelia leaned back in her chair slightly and closed her eyes to think for a moment, "We rarely get jobs anymore, how are we able to advertise ourselves? Work at restaurants? Hang signs? We're pathetic now..." The woman let out a long sigh, "We're trying our best... One day, I'm sure we'll get something good." She pushed some hair behind her ear and reopened her eyes. It appeared as though another guild member has returned, ah, the blind sword bearer Darren. Ophelia payed no mind to him, he looked as though he didn't want to be bothered, at least to her he didn't. Her hands rested on the table, clasped together. She herself hadn't done very many jobs, even if she was an S-class wizard she was forced to do measly chores for people in Magnolia town, which in return she would receive little to no pay. This irked the girl greatly, but she understood their position currently. "We're practically a domestic cleaning service..."