Frankly, Irwin Schwab was still amazed at the fact they let him keep his job after the thing with the suit. Then again, he never complained about the paperwork and was always punctual with the work assigned. Case in point, he was filling out a number of forms and recommendations explaining the cleanup crew's expenditures in the wake of a battle between Flash and Captain Cold. Most of the cost, as usual, came from buying up road salt and hiring local contractors for the repairs. He'd also recommended that Central City replace the snowplow just in case of another Weather Wizard-Captain Cold teamup, which had seriously cut in to the tourist season. There was also the pending recommendation to have a crew go over Arkham Asylum in search of just why it was so easy for inmates to break out. Corruption among the faculty, acts of the supernatural, and simple lack of conformity to federal architectural codes seemed the most likely candidates. Of course, he still had to follow the office etiquette, and as such was wearing a clip-on tie over the suit. He flipped through the channels as he tried to figure out a more professional way to say "I'm 96% sure Arkham's haunted as heck anyway."