"Hm...?" Edelweiss looked up at Goliath who had mysteriously decided to show up, which he had done so before, so the girl was used to it. "I apologize..." She murmured, which was the only thing she could currently say at the moment. [i]"... I am Pope Leo the VI.[/i] A voice cooed. It appeared as though the whole council had decided to show up as well. What a delightful party. Her lance and shield retracted and was slung around her back. The small girl sat politely on one of the benches, her focus on the Pope. She was curious as to what they had to say, and how they were going to explain themselves for their actions causing this situation to unfold. Edelweiss's hands rested on her lap, with her thumbs twiddling with one another. Her eyes glanced at Goliath, a slight mumble escaped her lips, "What are you waiting for? Sit?" She then turned her attention back to the pope.