Name:Jonah (No last name) Nickname: Ghost Age: 156 (Looks like he is in early twenties) Appearance: [Img=] Credit to Mineworker of Deviant art~ Race: Elf Allegiance: Supporter of the Immortal nine Class: Assassin Profession: Strategist Personality: Quiet/Analyst: Jonah has never been a man of frequent words and mainly speaks with those apart of his guild those who can sympathise his need to end ones life before they know it has slipped like sand through there fingers. He is quick to assess a situation and react according to that situation, he can come up with a masterful strategy of combat before the enemy knows that a blade has been shoved through there ribs. Talented/Quick: He has been known to surprise an opponent in battle while he wields his hald hand blades taking his young appearance for granted, to hide his elf nature he cut the tips of his ears off similar to a humans to give people the idea of humanity. He can hold his own against opponents many times larger then he is. He is nimble and fast able to close distances between a room and to someones heart in a fraction of a second, has had many jobs where the target was a party of people and quickly went about the room cutting people down like sacks of potatoes. Ghost: Most people other then his guild has seen him in person, those who see him usually don't live past those few seconds of seeing his white hair and blue eyes, before everything goes red and life slips out in a short agonized breath. Biography: Jonah was found out in the rain by a member of the Assassins guild and brought in side and cared for by a female human assassin who raised him like her own even though he was an elf. She was in her early twenties and was the child of another member of the guild who had recently died so she had taken Jonah to sooth her wounds and prevent Jonah from experiencing the same. Raised from such a young age Jonah learned the art of killing at the age of six when he pressed a dagger into the heart of a man who was attacking a women in a dark alley way, ever sense that moment Jonah would never be the same and felt his bloodlust grow day by day. He began training night and day for many years honing his blades and preparing to one day become an assassin of the guild, when he turned thirteen he was assigned a job with another member of the guild. During the task he was to support the superior assassin with distractions and other things needed, though as a test the other member told Jonah to be the one who snuck into the room and to deal the killing blow to the target. Jonah entered the room without a word, he saw a young man, wealthy and strong sleeping soundly in his bed. He did not waste time with observing the sleeping target nor did he ponder the reason he was a target in a graceful arc he brought his blade through his targets throat spraying the walls with crimson. From that day Jonah would be a member of the Assassins guild and carried out his tasks with quick, deadly percision that got him his nickname, Ghost. Having being an elf his mother passed well before he was considered to be an adult of his race, realizing this he toke the tips of his ears off in comemoration to his passed mother. People caught on that he did this and suspected he had done it to blend with humans better not knowing the real reason behind his purposes so he allowed them to think the way they did. He is now 156 and has lost count of the people he has killed for his guild. On the day of the Empresses parade when the guild were assigned shifts in order to watch her and make sure things were going smoothly Jonah was blending with the crowd disguised as an old woman who was following the empress every move to make sure nothing happened. Then Jonah saw Nerom a highly respected member of his guild listening to the story of an old man, Jonah blending with the crowd joined him from the opposite side to listen to the banter of the old man. Weapon of Choice: Two Half hand swords. Powers & Abilities: Magical prowess is very good as he uses his magical powers to create illusions upon his enemies, or to change his appearance to hide his actual look to avoid further issues. He in turn is an illusionist with his magic but has also been knowned to increase his movement speed with his magic. Relationships: Acquaintences: Nerom Degrasse. Other: N/A