The formerly terrified criminal was now smirking as Madison looked sheepishly downward, despite Batman scowling with considerably more real frustration than he had a moment ago. "Pfft. That's the new Robin? In that case get me offa this ledge already Bats, you're embarrassing yourself. We both know you ain't gonna drop me in fronta some starry-eyed schoolgirl." He said between now totally-not-terrified fits of laughter. Batman, now scowling fiercely enough to put dents in the concrete over a thousand feet below, hauled the crook up and tossed him roughly down onto the rooftop hard enough to knock the wind out of the still chuckling thug, if not outright crack a rib. The Dark Knight was about to start lecturing Madison about the proper protocol for an interrogation while their one witness couldn't pay attention when a slight, almost inaudible pinging went off in one of the ears of his cowl. "What is it?" The interrogation was probably a lost cause now anyway, so- "Sorry for the interruption Sir, but I thought you might like to know that one of your satellites picked up on a rather large spacecraft heading right towards Metropolis. I know the invading sort of aliens aren't your usual afternoon tea guest but-" "It's fine. Prep the jet with the usual equipment plus an extra-" "I've already taken the liberty, Sir. The autopilot was engaged and it shall arrive momentarily." This exchange was followed by the whirring and slight whine of an almost disturbingly stealthy VTOL aircraft settling in and de-cloaking right in in front of the ledge where the thug was being dangled just a few minutes before, canopy already open. Without saying anything else Batman stepped off the ledge and inside before settling in and shooting a meaningful look at Madison.