[center][b][u]Dead Roleplays.[/u][/b][/center] [hider= Twitch, Sew of Souls] [center] [img=http://www.studentsoftheworld.info/sites/misc/img/33070_1159718055_SadAnimeGirl.jpg] [b]Name:[/b] Imalia 'Twitch' Beaufort. [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Female. [b]Ethnicity:[/b] English. [b]Race:[/b] Hard to tell sometimes, human. [b]Personality:[/b] Imalia's offline personality could be considered ghost like, she is a very quiet girl, naive and innocent in many a way and easily lead astray. She is curious to a fault though often seems confused or uncertain on things which makes her seem airy and absent minded. She comes across quite stoic in person, incapable of expressing much emotion until one gets to know her and on the rare occasion she is convinced to speak it is in quiet monotones. She may come across disinterested or without passion or personality but in truth she just doesn't know how to interact well with people and gets cripplingly shy. Her online presence used on her many online accounts however is much different, those in regular conversation with her know that she is a bubbly and intelligent woman, opinionated but funny and always willing to listen to problems and offer advice. One would over all consider her a loyal person and once getting passed her personal barriers consider her a dependable friend. [b]Strengths:[/b] She speaks four languages aside English, these are Latin, Russian, Japanese and French. She doesn't bend or break easily under interrogation. She is very dexterous/agile. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] She doesn't like 'high traffic' areas due to the confusing signals. Also doesn't like 'dead' zones where there are no signals. She has a phobia of water having never learned to swim (despite having read all the manuals). She finds it hard to communicate in a form that is not via internet/text and often comes across disinterested. She is curious which can get her into trouble along with her inexperience in the 'real' world. She can be 'virused' which will temporarily shut down her ability if she links to a virus by mistake. Electrical pulses and black outs can affect her ability leaving her 'cut off'. [b]Weapons:[/b] Electrical whip, known to be hard to control the thin tail of the whip carries a charge strong enough to knock an average man unconscious upon successful connection or deliver a stinging and somewhat painful zap when caught with its tip. It is a non-lethal weapon that was supposed to be used by police officers in order to stop 'accidental' kills though decommissioned soon after its use due to the difficulties it caused including shorting out their own cars, shocking themselves, damage to property and missing the intended target completely. She also [b]can[/b] use a bow but hasn't got one. [b]Power:[/b] To her the information highway is an open book and she [b]is[/b] the road map, as long as she is somewhere where there is 'signal' she can use it to connect to and infiltrate the internet or even your phone. Though it is more complicated than it sounds, she has to find and pluck the right data stream and while some information is easily obtained she has to work at and hack into more secure networks and sites. While currently she uses her brains 'portable wi-fi' as a means to simply gather information and monitor and manager her various online accounts on places like facebook, my space, twitter, tumbler and so on, she can also use it to send someone a text, make a phone call or connect to someones computer or lap top. [Will go into more detail if needed] [b]Family History:[/b] Her mother was a botanist, worked with plants, especially endangered and rare ones while her father the 'real bread winner' went out and worked as a salary man to pay for her constant medical bills. The two divorced a few years before she got out of the 'bubble' but haven't had the heart to tell her. They are both on good speaking terms but her mother is now with another woman and they are dating casually and her father is still too busy at work to find another love. She has no more immediate family and has a grandmother on her fathers side as well as a few cousins who are rarely spoken of and even rarer seen. She has a prominent and important -to her- friend on one of her online accounts called 'BlackEagle342' and speaks to 'him' more often than most other people on her combined accounts. [b]History:[/b] Imalia was born with a rare genetic disease which meant her immune system simply didn't turn on, this left her susceptible to everything and incapable of having normal vaccinations to keep her safe from even the most simple of illnesses. She lived her life in a sterilised hospital room, inside a large glass box where she had a bed, tv and table along with any things she was permitted by her doctors to have go through the rigorous hygiene and sterilization tests. For many years her only contact was talking through glass to her family and the bi-weekly blood tests via thick rubber gloves on the other side of a snug little cubicle made for such. Once a month she would be put in what she referred to as 'the cupboard' which would be sealed while her room was disinfected and cleaned. She missed a lot of education but determined not to let their daughter grow up ignorant they employed a man to teach her through the glass and he came once a week to teach her reading, writing and maths among other subjects such as history, politics, foreign languages, geography and science. Of all of these her favourite lessons were geography and often she derailed a lesson so she could discuss worlds outside of her little bubble. Sometimes he bought her pictures and those that weren't ruined by the decontamination process showed her beautiful scenes that seemed other worldly to her. By the time she was eleven she had finally convinced the staff to get he a laptop and while they were unhappy with such they relented and sealed the entire item in soft rubber to 'trap' the germs that would have otherwise accumulated. She spent time via this medium learning more about the outside world and watching videos, determined to one day be able to go out and experience it first hand. Her chance came and her family were, while understandably nervous, overjoyed at the prospect of her having a normal life out in the air where she could enjoy the world as a 'normal' teenager. She died twice on the table and was revived but after the operation she seemed to get so much better. Once the wounds were healed she was monitored for a month or two and then finally allowed to take her first steps outside that room since she had been an infant. Now capable of attending an actual school she eagerly enrolled to be quickly disappointed by peoples attitudes and behaviors. She was 'the freak' with 'a metal heart' and the bullying and teasing while rarely physical was merciless. Her 'enlightenment' to her gift was rather by accident and in fact worsened her circumstances, quite by chance she was passing quietly through her home town and caught her teacher taking 'advantage' of one of her students. Naturally she reported this and naturally they considered her a liar, she was suspended and the bullying intensified but she was so sure of what she had seen and the boy in question had not returned to school despite his parents attempting to bring him in daily. When she returned the bullying turned physical and when she received bullying from a teacher too she lost her temper, screaming she wasn't lying the school system was invaded and every computer screen flickered alive with the time delayed pictures from various security cameras. Showing, without a shadow of a doubt, the teacher and pupil in a discussion, which turned heated before said student was more or less dragged into a hotel notorious as a 'sex' hotel. The teacher was fired and she was formerly apologized to but then expelled for her 'atrocious hacking' of the school's system. Smart dressed men turned up a few weeks later and offered her a job, her mother refused them at first but they approached Imalia directly and she was kidnapped off the streets. [/center] [/hider] [hider= Angelique Mode- The Clock Strikes twelve] [center] [img=http://data3.whicdn.com/images/11845869/large.jpg] [b]Name:[/b] Angelique Mode. [b]Age:[/b] 28. [b]Gender:[/b] Female. [b]Sexuality:[/b] Bisexual. [b]Job:[/b] Psychiatrist and behavioral therapist. [b]Appearance:[/b] Angelique stands at five foot and eight inches when in heels, flat footed she is only a modest but respectable five foot six inches tall. She has vivid green eyes which are ringed with a dark gold at their outermost edge and has an attractive enough face and features. Often she can be seen wearing her long black, button down coat with sash. Under which is usually an array of clothing that ranges from smart to smart casual, whether obvious or otherwise often this involves a corset or basque of some kind. She wears little make up in general, not really having a lot of time for it but does her best to make herself look presentable, usually opting to put her mid-back length chestnut hair up into a messy bun for convenience. [b]Personality:[/b] Angelique is a damaged person, it is her strongest asset when dealing with clients, she has run an emotional and mental roller coaster her entire life. She has experienced first hand the powers the mind has over the body and likewise a psychiatrist has over the mind. Her friends would call her studious, quiet, perhaps even a bit of a hermit but she would much prefer staying in with good company and some fish and chips than going out on the razz and getting drunk. She has a love for animals but due to her long hours and her own emotional baggage she feels it unfair to own any pets. She had an awful victim/bully relationship with her mother, who often played a victim while beating and busing Angelique, though her death only a few weeks prior has left Angelique never the less grief-stricken. She is the type of person who once she sets heart heart on something aims to achieve it and doesn't quit, though a lot of criticism or negativity will occasionally set her back a bit. She is claustrophobic and sociophobic to an extent, preferring not to be in small places or around a lot of people. She suffers from 'night terrors' a left over trauma from her childhood but has learned to accept these nightmares and in some ways control them through lucid dreaming (not that it always works mind you). Preferring to observe she never really 'switches off' from work, meaning new people find it rather odd at first to be around her until she drops her guard. She hopes one day to be able to better treat and cure PTSD in her patients and her largest fear is going clinically insane as her mother did before she took her own life. [b]Background:[/b] Sometimes it was easy to remember the good days, the days when her mother smiled and laughed and when father actually came home. Other times the other memories came up and made it much harder to remember those few golden moments. She had lived in a small, private property with her parents and their dog 'Jeffers' the border collie. While at first their was only happiness at their little 'Angel's birth it soon seemed to take a toll on the family, her mother took up smoking and cried while her father, uncertain what he'd done wrong and getting nothing but an array of verbal and sometimes physical abuse went out drinking. One particularly awful day when little Angelique was crying; she'd soiled her nappy and needed changing, in the midst of one of their pointless arguments the dog started barking. Thoughtlessly them other whirled on the dog and smacked it with a heavy glass ash tray, there was a crack and the poor dog lay whimpering on the ground. Jeffers was later put down after his 'road accident' and that was the start of a slippery slope. Eventually her father stopped coming home for days at a time and as Angelique grew older she learned she had to fend for herself, her mother, constantly waiting for her fathers return, grew violent if Angelique so much as spoke and so the girl fed herself and learned to clean her own clothes. Sometimes she took a second helping at school or pinched something from one of her friends. There were the odd visits, when Angelique turned up with bruises or scratches but they came to a clean and tidy home and a smiling woman who could act like a saint when it counted. her father eventually stopped coming over altogether and while he promised to take her away too nothing ever came from it. Her mother only grew more despondent and easier to anger, she had 'melt downs' which often involved throwing and breaking furniture and crockery and she learned quickly not to be nearby when that happened. Angelique had grown up with it all her life, her mothers rage turning to her mothers sobbing begs and she assumed that while not 'average' it was somehow supposed to be the way things were. She learned otherwise when she turned thirteen and her mother, enraged at the idea her daughter had been out with friends an hour after school and certain Angelique was leaving her too stabbed the girl in the hip. As Angelique cried for the first time in years the mother realised what she'd done and phoned for both an ambulance and the police. Angelique having to stop the woman killing herself before they arrived while dealing with her own blood loss. It was revealed that there was a number of things wrong with her mother which had snowballed to the current problem she was now manifesting. She didn't' understand the terms they were using but she knew what one meant 'clinically insane'. Determined to figure out why this had happened she spent the remainder of her hospital stay and her time once at her new school; now living with a pleasant foster couple, to pour over every book she could find about psychology. Her mother was institutionalized but she often visited, if nothing more but a progress report from her doctors and to pay the fees to keep her there. She tried several times in vain to contact her father but it seemed he'd disappeared a few months after the last time he left and hadn't been seen or heard from since. After graduating and attending university she was able to land a position at the very hospital her mother was kept at, with a licence to practice and a keen insight into behavioral analysis she was a welcome member to the team and rose through the ranks from 'newbie' to a senior member of staff. Unfortunately her mother never did get any better and during a regular 'free session' managed to fashion her bed sheets into a noose and hang herself. Angelique is currently on 'compassionate leave' and chose this spot to get away from it all. [b]Accommodations:[/b] -- [b]Quirks:[/b] She counts rosary beads to keep calm. When she's getting angry/nervous she tugs at the hem of her clothes. When people are getting angry/prone to violent outbursts she momentarily freezes and covers the scar (sub consciously) her mother left her. When deep in thought she lightly chews on her lower lip or on a pencil/pen if its to hand. She has no idea what to do when approached by a man or by a woman but feels more 'in control' around other women. She turns her tea cup clockwise two full rotations before drinking, not even she knows why she does it but the tea doesn't 'taste right' unless she does. [b]Theme:[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4rXbSnk2ng] [/center] [/hider] [hider= Sandy- A Christmas Conundrum] [center] [img=http://cutiepicture.files.wordpress.com/2007/07/surfacedream.jpg] [b]Name:[/b] Sandy. [b]Holiday:[/b] Sandman. [b]Age:[/b] 198 Years old. [b]Birthday:[/b] March some time 1841. [b]Gender:[/b] Female. [b]Ability/ies:[/b] WIP [b]Draws power from:[/b] Good Dreams. [b]Relationship to the Claus’:[/b] Often seen working closely with Santa Christmas eve the pair have a really close bond and it's inconceivable Sandy would do anything to her bestest chum! Often even when they aren't working Sandy's over for tea -when she can stay awake- or for board games. [b]History:[/b] WIP [b]Personality:[/b] She's such a sleepy head, often off day dreaming even when she is awake but when she is coherent and does talk you better listen. She hardly ever speaks above a whisper but what she does say, when she says it, is usually important. She abhors violence and will do all she can -including putting enemies to sleep- to avoid it. Preferring that everyone have nice dreams than fight. Once could easily mistake her for an air head and socially awkward until they get to know her but thats just her way.[/center] [/hider] [hider= Dia Muertos- A Christmas Conundrum] [center] [img=http://th05.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2013/254/3/1/dia_de_los_muertos_by_magicnaanavi-d6lwh1k.jpg] [b]Name:[/b] Dia Muertos [b]Holiday:[/b] Dia de los muertos. [b]Age:[/b] 3000 Years old. [b]Birthday:[/b] November 2nd. [b]Gender:[/b] Female. [b]Ability/ies:[/b] WIP [b]Draws power from:[/b] Memories and parties. [b]Relationship to the Claus’:[/b] She's been frequently seen arguing with Mr. Claus but any that know the pair know its more like sibling rivalry than anything malicious and while the pair do not really mix outside of holiday get togethers and emergencies neither has an issue with the other. Dia always sends Mr. Clause sugar skulls and he sends her a little something at Christmas. [b]History:[/b] WIP [b]Personality:[/b] Once people get passed the make-up and the outfit usually they find Dia quite fun, misunderstood these days she was never about fearing the dead but celebrating them in the most ostentatious way possible! She loves parties and good times, she's almost like that mischievous little sister you wish you had. Reminding you that now and again it's okay to let your hair down and act silly and have a bit of fun! She can be quick to lose her temper -maybe its all the sugar- but she is just as quick to forgive and forget. [/center][/hider] [hider= Imalia- De Seil Circus] Appearance (Real Pictures Only):[img=http://www.gamekult.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=633085&d=1350393133] [img=http://www.seatails.org/sites/default/files/SheCreature2.png] [img=http://www.blogcdn.com/blog.moviefone.com/media/2005/05/she_creature3.jpg] [img=http://compass-images-2.comcast.net/ccp_img/pkr_prod/VMS_POC_Image_Ingest/11/95/1316524076053_1286315034677_01SheCreature_mif_640_320_2x1_1280_640.jpg] Full Name: Imalia of the Azure Ocean Age: 125 (Looks early twenties) Gender: Female Species: Traditional Siren Most Used Attraction Power: Lust. Significant/special belongings (if any): A hair comb and a small stone pendant. Fighting skills/techniques (if any): Lures them into the water where she drowns them, uses her tail as a snake might its coils and also has claws which she lashes out with. Weapon of choice (if any): Her Voice. Job Title & Description: The exquisite but deadly siren of the black sea. She sings, she swims, she acts like a pretty mermaid in a typical circus combing her pretty hair and when given the room she can perform feats of acrobatics. Though her main purpose is to look pretty as a side attraction to the main events, one can, via signing a contract, swim with her at their own risk. Confidant to the performers. Number of Souls You Have to Collect: 250 Number of Years You Have to Collect Souls: 250 What Was Your Wish? Freedom How Many Souls Have You Collected? 55 How Long Have You Been at the Carnival? 55 years. How the Collection of Souls has Affected Your Character? She started out innocent, naïve as many of her kind may be considered to be but there was always something dark and mysterious about the siren. The collection of the souls has affected her little but the carnival has had a hugely negative impact upon her. Stripped her of compassion and morality, leaving her angered and hateful of the walking races. Personality: Imalia is a curious woman, while she seems to emanate innocence and danger in equal folds she has a different personality for every person she meets. While working she plays the part of the innocent trapped victim, she’ll even cry on command of her dear sweet ring master. Though as the last patron leaves her true colours are revealed, she is a cold hard killer, there is little empathy or compassion left in this siren, living her life in a tank has left her cold to the mortals in particular. She listens, she is good at that and she speaks sweet few words save when she has to, preferring to communicate and seemingly able to, via gestures and looks. Though she does seem to have some saving graces, she seems to know how to love in her own cold-blooded way and she keeps secrets, be it for her own ends or out of genuine camaraderie. Biography & How You Came to be a Member of The Carnival?: Imalia was caught nigh on seventy years ago by a fisherman, she was, at the time a young naïve child who had wandered too far away from her fellows and was caught in turbulent waters which carried her to the fishing nets. The man who found her knew her worth and amidst cries to throw her back refused. He threw her in the hold which was filled with dead fish and saline and for several weeks she travelled this way, buffeted by storms and bad weather. When she finally saw the light of day she was hoisted from the hold and hauled into a crate , the crew of the ship dead or having fallen over board and only the Captain, the one who had found her, still alive. He lived alone in a small house near a lighthouse and it is there he kept her in an iron tank filled with salt water. He made her sing for him and his wife grew more and more jealous of her and the love her husband felt for this unnatural creature that she attempted many times to kill the Siren or release her back into the sea, each time the Captain stopped her and Imalia stood an ‘innocent’. The final time was his wife’s last attempt and he found her, her lungs filled with salt water and her neck snapped on the floor not ten feet from the tank where his ‘mermaid’ swam lazily with a serenely innocent look on her face. Not long after he put manacles into her tank, attaching their rings to the bottom and allowing her only enough freedom to pull herself to the top of her tank and look over the edge. He prayed for years for someone to come and take her away from him, for he hated and loved her in equal measure and could never bring himself to kill her, or himself. Such was the strength in the siren’s eyes and smile. One day his prayers were answered and a man claiming to be the owner of a very special circus offered to take her away for him, for a price. The man readily accepted and only too late realised what kind of deal he had struck and as for the Siren, she was asked what her wish would be and she answered ‘freedom’ and that is how De’Seil Carnival got itself a siren. Mr. Reficul Seil ~ ◑~ The reason she's here but she has no strong opinion either way. Rosaline Bell Seil ~ ◑~ Just another woman. Andracos Soleviel ~ ◑ ~ He's just...wrong. Pachid Coyotas ~ ◑~ A man, so few of those around the circus and aside him being active when she is most active she has no strong opinion currently. Ty ~ ◑ ~ No opinion as long as they don't mess with her tank. Crow ~ ◑ ~ No opinion on this person. Celleci ~ ◑l ~ She never really liked birds. Calista Luinaree ~ ◑~ She has no opinion one way or another about this woman. Ari Glitterskip/Red ~ ◑ ~ She see's a child, while she knows that Red is not it matters not to her, the fire puts her off a bit though so maybe she's just biased. Vol ~ ◑~ Another Siren, though it hardly looks like one to Imalia, no she sees him more as an interesting human. Well, as interesting as Imalia sees anything. She tolerates his presence most out of all those in the circus. [/hider] [hider= Jing Lao- De Seil circus] Appearance:[img=http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2338/1568865408_4430fa31ab.jpg] *Note: I am fully aware this is a picture of a woman, this is just how feminine Lao appears. Full Name: Jing Lao. Age: 27 Gender: [b]Male[/b] Species: Shifter Base Animal: Jumping Spider Base Animal Appearance: [img=http://ichef.bbci.co.uk/naturelibrary/images/ic/credit/640x395/j/ju/jumping_spider/jumping_spider_1.jpg] Yeah, isn’t he cute? Abilities: Agile, contortionist, can climb walls with ease, can produce and craft silk, slightly venomous bite. Control Over Transformation: Moderate. Intense emotion force aspects of the change upon him doesn’t matter whether it’s a positive or negative emotional reaction. Significant/Special Belongings: Silver hair sticks for his long hair. Fighting Skills/Techniques: Bite and run, the bite is a paralysing and slow necrotic toxin (similar to a false widow) while the prey is immobilised he’ll run and climb up high out of sight. Weapon of Choice: His fangs but he does abhor fighting…most of the time. Job Title & Description: Tissue and steel ring act:- He performs at the top of the big top from two long lengths of crimson silk. He performs feats of acrobatics and stunning dexterity that will touch your heart before having it in your throat at a climatic finale.*1 Also performs in a steel hoop *2 Number of Souls You Have to Collect: 150. Number of Years You Have to Collect Souls:15. What Was Your Wish? A second chance, though he has failed to elaborate just what that means until he has collected all the souls. How Many Souls Have You Collected? 1 How Long Have You Been at the Carnival? One month. How the Collection of Souls has Affected Your Character? It hasn’t had a chance to yet. Personality: While Lao appears quite effeminate and even feminine one could not say that he was not a gentleman, practising manners at all times and often in quiet contemplation even when all around him has erupted in chaos or noise. He chooses just the right moment and selects just the right words to say to alter a situation to his benefit, which is usually to diffuse any potential acts of violence. Why he isn’t a Buddhist in a traditional sense he does follow the traditions quite closely wherever possible and health wise reaps the benefits of doing so. He is rather laid back, allowing those around him freedom to be them without judgement or offence and as such he can be relaxing to be around. Of course if one does manage to push the silk spinner a little too far he is liable to snap and the angry side of him is not one that is pleasant to view. He is happy to talk to anyone and quite at ease with his place both in the carnival and in life. Biography & How You Came to be a Member of The Carnival?: Lao lived in a poor village in China, he spent his youth with a travelling band of performers, most of which were his family, attempting to raise enough money for food and education. They lived a simple life and got by well enough but when a tsunami washed away both his home and his family Lao was left an orphan albeit at an age where one could manage to survive in such a way. On the way to an interview with a circus he bumped into someone at the train station, they stood in silence for the twenty minutes until the train approached where upon the stranger threw himself in front of the train. This incident left a lasting impression on Lao and while he missed his appointment with one circus he found another and applied there, directly with a Mr. Seil who offered Lao any wish he could desire. Lao did not know what to think but with only one image burned into his memory he asked for a second chance, though asked for what Lao asked that he may not answer until the contract was filled on his side. *1 Tissue Act Link [url=http://www.talents-productions.com/male-tissue-act/#prettyPhoto] *2 Hoop Act Link [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91KerBkC7vM] Mr. Reficul Seil ~ ☺~ The illustrious ringmaster, he has given him a fair and honest deal and a way to earn it, while some of his methods may not be 'par' to the way Lao himself might deal with them there is no doubting that Mr. Seil is doing his best. Rosaline Bell Seil ~☺~ Certainly pretty and such a peach as well but he personally can not see the allure that many others seem to. An innocent and darling doll indeed. Andracos Soleviel ~ ☺ ~ Foul mouthed but Lao believes there is a good side to Andracos, one perhaps he has yet to see himself. Pachid Coyotas ~ ☺ ~ Pachid seems to be slothful or lazy in most peoples eyes but Lao believes there are reasons to it and when called upon he is sure Pachid more than tows his weight. Ty ~ ☺ ~ While sarcasm isn't his thing Ty is a sweet enough girl and he has no reason to dislike her. Crow ~ (Insert symbol from above) ~ An interesting woman that he has yet to truly start to understand. Arina Lécuyer ~ ☺~ There is little to say about this one at this time. Soren Novák ~☺~ There is little to say about this one at this time. Reira Masin ~ ☺ ~ There is little to say about this one at this time. Celleci ~ ☺ ~ Strangely over the top and yet somehow perhaps a little endearing as well. Calista Luinaree ~ ☺ ~ There is little to say about this one at this time. Ari Glitterskip/Red ~ ☺~ Volatile but somehow cute, not that he would say so to her face. Vol ~☺~ Honest is perhaps the politest way to put it and a lesser man might not be able to handle such honesty with good humor. Eikki ~ (Insert symbol from above) ~ Polite and gentile a refreshing breeze to see someone such as he. Nalia ~☺ ~ There is little to say about this one at this time. Nate ~☺ ~ There is little to say about this one at this time. Imalia ~ ☺ ~ Cold she might be but Lao can not bring himself to dislike her for that alone, everyone after all, has their reasons. [/hider] [hider= Delphi- Blight] [center] [img=http://cache.desktopnexus.com/thumbnails/457006-bigthumbnail.jpg] [b]Name:[/b] Delphi [i](Del-Phi)[/i] [b]True Name:[/b] Hana [i](Means flower in a lost tongue)[/i] [b]Race:[/b] Gorgon Half breed. [b]Court [i](if applicable)[/i]:[/b] N/A. Fomori. [b]Appearance:[/b] In the darkness her bare feet patter against the cold stone, coming into the light her eyes, a piercing ice blue with vertical reptilian slits blink against the violent light of the sun, what little peeks through a mix of cloud and smog. Her snakes recoil and hiss a protest as their pale pink eyes adjust in what little capacity they were able. Their bodies slender in white with silken scales that catch the light in an iridescent display, which with the darkening sky will paint them in hues of the aurora borealis the humans are so found of, they are after all enchanted snakes. With pale skin like china and a band of purple hue across her lids and temples that one could forgive for thinking was painted she stood at only five and a half feet tall, short but not crippling so. Though of course she did look 'swamped' by her snakes, some of which had little trouble wrapping about her chest to find a place to rest. She was slender, dainty even with a sweet hour glass shape with long slender fingers tipped with silver white claws like that of a great bird, though shorter and stubbier than one might expect of a Gorgon. Instead of a tail she also had legs, humanoid in shape and design with dainty toes at the end of her feet, though not to be forgotten by heritage from ankles to her hips on the outer side of her legs laced a pattern of scales in the hue of the ocean spray under sunlight, glistening like diamonds and pearls in any light. Stopping at the curve of her hips and flat stomach. She would be seen wearing simple cotton dresses, which hid a rather modest bosom with a cord tie shut, it fell to the tops of her thighs and otherwise she remained rather bare. Save for the tribal bracelets and cuffs considered parts of her heritage. [b]Background:[/b] Delphi isn't like the rest of her race, she was the 'flower' to them. While most would think the fomori would shun such a creature whose looks were delicate, if not fair and whose blood wasn't quite as muddied -or perhaps muddier depending on your view- than theirs they did the opposite. They hoarded her like a prized dove, which didn't always make her feel protected, sometimes she wondered if her 'sisters' in the brood were just squabbling over who got first bite. She, apparently, smelled delicious to them, like prey but they were not so gone to the beast -as some were- that they could not see that she was indeed one of them. When the humans came, coveting their eyes she was hidden behind stones and when they were pulled away each time there were less and less of the brood until only two others and Delphi remained. The humans were quiet for a long time and for a while it seemed that they would never come again. The three became like sisters, albeit slightly dysfunctional ones, the two full gorgons bickering and fighting over Delphi at times and sometimes over even sillier things. Unknown to the half blood the sisters were not doing well with the sudden silence and had heard from the cities of man what was done to their kind. More fool the humans, very few were born with the 'gift of the eyes' and those who were were hidden far away, the power most gorgons obtained was a much subtler one and the humans were not interested in finding out what [i]that[/i] was. They wanted the eyes, so it was inevitable the humans with their mongrels the grey elves would come again and though they hid two were found and dragged before the human masters. One was killed on the spot, their snakes cut from their head as a warning to the other who went mad from the sight. Delphi had gone outside, climbed a higher ridge to bask and at the noise she watched in horror flattened ot the rock as her remaining sister was hauled away. [b]Possessions:[/b] A small hand mirror, her bracelets and dress. [b]Talents:[/b] -Good at reading people. -Can be very stealthy. -Can swim very well. - Very Agile and dexterous. [b]Sorcery:[/b] - [i] Voice:[/i] Her papa, he was a siren and his gift to her didn't stop at the fairness of her features, her voice upon singing can evoke emotions, memories, or weaken a person. Perhaps even kill them should she wish it. Although the more intense the song the higher the price to her personally. [i][See Weaknesses][/i] -[i]The eyes:[/i] Upon her desire her eyes will glow faintly like her scales, the victim will then forget everything they had done since sun up that day. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] - [i]Delicate.[/i] She has trouble 'replenishing' her sorcery without the aid of someone who can perform such tasks so it takes twice as long for her to recover from fatigue. -[i]Hungry[/i] Her snake half and her 'other' half are constantly at odds about what to eat meaning she is often hungry even if she has eaten. -[i]Voice[/i] If used while weak it could render her mute, if she sings 'the death note' while weakened it will likely kill her as well. [/center] [/hider] [hider=Break- The Scrolls of Gelbaron: The Forsaken Saga] [img=http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs31/f/2008/234/e/4/Red_eyed_girl_by_Renuski.jpg] [b]Character Name:[/b] Break. [b]Age:[/b] Older than her appearance but younger than her personality (she’s forgotten exact numbers). [b]Race:[/b] Void. [b]Magic:[/b] Void. [b]Appearance:[/b] Usually none, she appears as blob of unformed chaotic void essence, blacks as dark as the night and then some with ghostly grey streaks that spark like lightening. Of course when she is upon the material plane she coalesces into a form more appropriate for interaction. At this time she appears as a mostly humanoid woman, with hair white as fog and as long as she is tall, it’s pinned and trapped with black ribbons and hidden pins but the then made shoulder length tips dance and flutter like smoke from a chimney and she cannot control this. Below a spikey fringe which seems to dim and lighten are a pair of vibrant red eyes, the kind that could pierce the darkness itself ringed with the same black as the void itself. She had a button nose set into a delicate face with cupids bow lips always held in a slight pout even when at rest. She had high cheekbones and thick black lashes that brushed them and fraternised with the thin white lines of her brows. Her complexion was pale in hue compared to ‘true humans’ two shades two light to be considered peaches and cream but she didn’t look quite like a corpse either. On a slender neck was a black choker that helped hold on her coat which, as black as the Void itself, fell across her shoulders and down her sides, covering her arms in long, belled sleeves that, as with the coat tails that split just after the curve of her thighs, reached her ankles. While the coat remained unadorned the sleeves which started plain began traced and then thickened with fog grey markings like those that ran through stone, only forming proper embroidery patterns towards the last foot or so of ‘fabric’. The coat looked almost wet at a glance, perhaps sticky as well but it behaved much as any fabric might in the material realm. Below the coat she wore a sleeveless white dress, this covered her cleavage and fell to where decency was almost questioned. It laced in the front with the same kind of ribbons that pinned her hair and while it looked soft, almost feathery or rabbit down to the touch one would know its unearthly properties for no matter what Break did she never seemed to ‘expose’ herself. Covering her legs were long white boots which seemed almost moulded to her form with no sure sign of how they went on or came off. They ended at the upper thigh and while one would think there were, by the boots design, small heels one could never be sure for Break had quite the difficulty manifesting her feet and so they always appeared hazy or covered in shadow. She was a slip of a thing at a modest height with a delicate looking physique, though with her arms constantly hidden it was only by the thighs one could tell there was strength in this body. She had slender ands with long tapered fingers which often seemed to amuse her. When in combat it is from the ‘coat’ she draws her arsenal and protection. (Will be described when they appear in the rp or when I don’t feel so ill) [b]Personality:[/b] Break seems on the surface to be an ocean of calm, it would seem that little phases her. She is quiet and slow to speak or involve herself in conversations. She almost seemed uncomfortable in crowds and prefers to hover close to only one or two people at a time. Of course this is all surface reading, underneath she is a quick witted girl who takes her time to think –or over think- before she speaks. She is forgetful and it irritates her not being able to remember things or people from her past or even her present! She shuns crowds because the noise makes it harder to think which, with a mind empty and blank, was often hard enough as it is. She is a loyal person and quick to trust where perhaps she ought to be more careful, she is also quick to forgive, both curses of her amnesia. [b]Traits[/b] [b]Strengths[/b] - Void Magic Adept. - Silent Foot falls. - Agile and quick. [b]Weaknesses[/b] - Is slow to speak so is often over looked in a conversation. - She has bouts of amnesia where she's likely to forget everything and one outside of the Void. - She can't stay in the physical plane too long and has to return to the Void to 'recharge/rest'. - When she becomes too exhausted she returns to 'wisp' form and is easily swayed be it physically or mentally/emotionally. [b]Equipment:[/b] Physically she carries nothing, her weapons, armour and shield she makes from the void magic at her command. She owns but one thing that she seems to treasure, a small silver locket which has long ago rusted so it won't open. [b]Bio:[/b] WIP [b]Other:[/b] i) Making her angry –which by no means is easy to do- can result in very very bad things. [hider=Leviathan] [img=https://www.2kgamesinternational.com/sites/default/files/game/en/darkness-132/screenshots/td6.jpg][/hider] [hider=Void-The Dawn of Super Heroes- Active] [center] [img=https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS37o_s33HzPNO5FqrDx6jjB5f_F9vJvcH9xOE_YCE6pX_na1wb] [b]Void.[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] Female. [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Super Powers: [/b] *Using the power of the rift she can open doorways connecting one point in space to another. Though she can transport people/items via this they can only cross while she is holding it open, the more people/items the harder it is to keep them from getting ‘lost’ in the rift. *She can open several small doorways connecting all to one spot inside the rift. This is of personal use if she is fighting/avoiding something or someone. She cannot take people or things through these gateways and it is quite draining. *She can open mini doorways between her hands which she can then throw outwards like balls, without her to stabilise these doorways they collapse in on themselves exponentially until they literally explode with a force two or three times that of a grenade. [b]Background:[/b] Her name was Alicia Manx an only child of two scientists that worked in the Sky Labs. She had come in as a lab assistant to help analyse the data fetch, carry and make coffee. It wasn’t a bad gig and it would hopefully secure her place in college when she was ready to go, she was on the floor when they began the testing, even then she was certain there was something wrong but what right had she to bring something up to those who had been studying this for years. When the rift formed chaos ensued, or she assumed it did, all she remembered was a vast nothingness, black and purples, smells like burning hair and nail polish remover and there was a loud and yet silent ‘pop’. Then the world was gone, it had melted away, dissolved into nothing as she was dragged unceremoniously inside the rift itself! It felt like months, years, that she spent suspended in both space and time, held by nothing, growing hungry, thirsty but never dying. The silence was what got to her first, the endless silence, even when she cried out there was nothing, not even an echo of her voice coming back to her. Then it was the hunger and thirst, she spent so long thinking that she went horribly insane. During this process she made the discovery of her gift, she folded the space of the rift itself and with practise managed to open it so she might emerge back into the real world. By then many years had passed and she had hardly aged a day, time worked differently there it seemed. She returned to her home only to find strangers there to greet her, her friends had all grown or fled with the rise of the Super villains and she was alone. At one point a hospital attempted to pick her up, reports of a deranged woman talking to herself had filtered into their channels, however upon arrival to the address there was nothing, no rubble or timbre, no glass or brick just a flat and empty space where a large warehouse ought to have been. Rumours circulated quickly about her in the villain community, those who sought her ought were often refused but there were times when the devious could manipulate her for long enough to get what they wanted. Although, eventually, she would always get what she wanted from them, while her goals are intangible and hard to understand one should not assume this deranged drifter doesn’t have them. [b]Personality:[/b] She is insane, it is clear as a summers day that whatever happened to her in her time in the rift something inside of her broke. She can be sweet as a button or wicked as a witch but all the time there is an air of something sinister and creepy around her. While innocent to an extent and easily manipulated one would be wrong to call her dumb or even slow. She though, is a person that at all times does something because they want to, because there is something she desires in the action. Be it simply a cure for boredom or something else is always up for debate. [/center] [/hider] [hider=Wraith- The Dawn of Superheroes- Active] [center] [img=https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRcSIw-RuKhiCcFB8rWVk-8aMb_YCDpa1KmawTDHanrWWZbGG41PA] [b]Wraith.[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 30 [b]Superpowers:[/b] * Feed: He can not eat in the normal manner any longer and so his only way to gain nutrients is through his mutation. Slits in the palms of his hands that clamp down on the flesh of another sentient being. The mentally hardened find that their capability for coherent thought is destroyed while the physically adept find their limbs heavy and immovable. Either way most victims are left incapacitated after an encounter with Wraith and no one has ever died from it. The effects of such a drain are temporary, lasting up to a day at most in the more resilient folk and several in those less resilient. Other than two marks surrounded by pin point, needle like marks there are no physical signs left behind and these marks clear up within a week. * Stealth: While he doesn't undergo a physical change his presence is hard to notice (though not impossible) until he is quite close or trips a trap, sensor or reveals himself in some other way. * Poison Immunity: Due to the odd manner in which he feeds he is immune to virtually all known poisons. [b]Background:[/b] Born Richard Savan he became quite aware of how 'different' he was at a young age, a young and inquisitive mind he often shocked his parents with the way he acted. After visiting a few doctors Richard had learned the technique for surviving in that environment and began to wear a mask. Not one a person could see physically of course but one that kept a distance between his true self and the well adjusted, normal child his parents wished to display. They had thought the therapy had cured their child but instead it had taught him to become more sneaky and cunning with his condition and more apt at knowing how to spot the faux facades of others, including them. He kept a journal as a way of keeping a handle on the real self noting his thoughts and his plans and hiding them away from prying eyes. This became a ritual rather than a hobby and he found it rather difficult to maintain his mask on days he could not read his diary and add to it. He managed to get through his school life without too many incidents, grading in the top five percent in his classes and while he never took a girlfriend he had both friends and female acquaintances that he would bring over to dinner to further establish his 'normalcy'. He even learned to cook when he moved out and held semi-regular dinner parties in order to continue the pretense of functional adult. However the truth of his condition was evident in his work, Richard Savan was actually Doctor Savan a microbiologist, often his experiments would fail and while his colleagues would suffer greatly he honestly felt no two ways about it. They were all quite oblivious to his true nature of course and took it for a 'British' calm that 'stiff upper lip' stuff they had heard about. It would of course have been impolite to tell them the truth, which was he was a Sociopath and those sorts of things were quite beyond his scope of understanding. It also didn't serve his purpose in the slightest to let anyone in on that little nugget. While many people subjected to the rift underwent a mental alteration on some level or another, mostly for the worse rather than the better, Richard was wholly unchanged. His mutations neither gave him pride nor revulsion and he had certainly not been relieved of his inability to relate to human emotion. Aside his appearance the only thing that truly changed was the nature of his experiments and where he did them from. Since the accident he has spent his time studying the mutations in DNA cells caused by the Rift, trying to unlock the genetic code to what gives the 'super' their ability. [b]Personality:[/b] To meet him prior the accident one would have call him charming, charismatic, perhaps even gracious. He exudes the manners of an English gentleman. However he has seen the 'accident' as a blessing, stripping him of all need for the mask by making his outer self match his true self. He is cold and calculating, he shares no empathy or sympathy and does not understand love, loss or guilt. In this it makes him seem a fan girls 'wet dream' he is sadistic, cruel and twisted, with enough charisma and charm to let someone think they can save him from himself should he deem it necessary. He knows how intelligent he is and shows no modesty for it finding such falsehoods a waste of his time. [b]Before the Accident:[/b] [img=http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/7a16e89d9d1f37639e285b9e26dce4d5/http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q203/gaidin88/-Gaia%20RP%20Characters/2005-men-blonde.jpg] [/center] [/hider] [hider= Arianna Roberts- Stargate HMS Tempest] I've had a scan and going to have a proper read after more tea but here's my sheet thus far. [center] [img=http://www.lovethispic.com/uploaded_images/28438-Long-Red-Head-Girl.jpg] [b]Name:[/b] Arianna Roberts. [b]Title:[/b] Doctor/ Miss. [b]Role:[/b] Psychiatrist/ 'behavioral analyst'. [b]Unit:[/b] Ground Unit. [b]Age:[/b] 30. [b]Gender:[/b] Female. [b]Reason chosen for Tempest:[/b] Her ability to read people and their situations is second to none, she served as a psychiatrist to many soldiers who suffered from PTSD after the war and founded new ways in spotting potential problems before they arise. Given a Nobel prize for her work and study in human behavioral 'science' and an award for her work in treating and 'curing' soldiers she was one of a very short list for this mission. [b]Personality:[/b] A clever and quick witted woman who has an incredibly hard time of 'turning off', when one makes a life time habit of reading the smallest changes in a person's body language and deciphering their words it becomes a habit not to far removed from breathing. As such she finds it hard to get close to anyone, spotting even the smallest flaws in people and thus finding it difficult to get comfortable with most. She may come across as a 'snob', thinking manners are important and social etiquette shouldn't be thrown out the window along with a sent of eccentric likes and dislikes in personality of other people. She abhors violence and war, having spent her professional life fixing the damage such things have done to people along with a deeper, personal reason. When she does relax she's quite god company, by habit a good listener and loyal to those she does speak with whether it be patient doctor confidentiality or otherwise. [b]Short Biography:[/b] Her young life was a whirlwind of violence, problems and loss, she doesn't' speak about it much but it shaped who she was for her entire life. Before she had hit double digits she had her sights set on helping people and did all she could to accomplish that goal. As a professional she saw more violence than her heart could take and grew numb to keep herself from preaching ethical grounds. Approached by the military with an offer to serve Queen and country and help people more than she could in her little office she took a solid week to think it over, there was a lot she wasn't told at their brief meeting or contained in the small, heavily edited dossier she was given. Curiosity peaked she accepted and was thrust head first into what felt like a different world. To test her skills they had her interview a Tok'ra, her first interaction with an alien species, it had taken her less than five minutes to come to the conclusion the person wasn't human but a little longer for her mind to accept what that meant. She also spotted signs of stress on both the host body and the 'creature' inside before the individual had noticed it, saving two lives from a considerable amount of future pain. Accepted as the 'kind of woman they needed' she was educated in the vast history that had been hidden from most civilian eyes and given access to a vast number of personnel files to 'weed out' those who'd be 'unsuitable' for such a high priority mission. [/center] [/hider]