[b]Name : [/b] Sieben [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Appearance :[/b] [hider=The beauty] [img]http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/156/5/4/Fan_Art_of_Spitfire_Air_Gear_by_Lili_arc_en_ciel.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] He is a joker and has an awesome arsenal of snappy comebacks. Quick minded and witty, he always finds a solution to a problem, but it can happen that the solution is a tad weird. Though he makes people around him smile he rarely does. He is open minded and tries to understand each person. He tries to view every situation from as many different angels as possible. Never lies and never hides his true thoughts. He dropped all of his hope about love and so he likes to spent lots of his time drinking and he frequently visits different brothels. [b]History:[/b] He didn’t have a taste for magic, but he always loved ropes. One day, when he was 15 years of age, he and his boyfriend went on an adventure through the forest. While they were walking through the mountains a large rock broke free and began to roll down the mountain. Bought off the boys managed to jump from its path, but a small chunk, that broke away, hit Sieben and threw him down the mountain as well. His boyfriend ran after Sieben down the mountain until he found him. Broken body and bleeding tissue of a body laid on the ground. Siebens boyfriend kneeled beside the body. Grabbing his lovers hand he gripped it and began crying. Then an unexpected thing happened. Where their skins touched veins began to spread out of Siebens body and penetrated into the others hand. Sieben began to heal slowly, and his beloved boyfriend could feel how his own blood and life force was being taken from his body. When Sieben awoke he found his lovers body beside him. His veins were still attached to his hand, but no blood was in the body. When the village people heard what he did they banished him away. Sieben left the village and travelled alone, but not for long. After a month his brother joined him. Though Sieben was against it, his brother Eksodas insisted that Sieben should learn to use his magic. Eventually Sieben agreed. And so they trained. Now Eksodas again had a bright idea and that was For Sieben to join a mages guild. Again Sieben gave in and choose Fary tale. Knowing it’s once power and deed, he joined hoping to do some good. [b]Magic :[/b] Rope Veins magic. Sieben can generate veins outside his body and use them as ropes or vines. He is most skilled with his hands, some unimportant place, and tongue, but can generate them from any part of his body. As a single rope vein he can make it hundred meters long and as thick as a climbing rope (14 mm), only it is stronger, since its living tissue. He can also use them to connect with another body. He can either give it blood or take it. This transition though also takes life energy, feelings and memories of the being that’s losing blood to the person who is gaining it. Beside that it costs huge amount of magic power when Sieben isn’t the one gaining blood. This transition can also heal wounds and great damage, but at a cost. [b]Bloody web:[/b] Is similar to a spiders web Sieben sits down and enters a meditational state. He slowly grows his veins into the ground and spreads them around. Longer he stays like this the larger is the bloody web. If any being lies down on this web Sieben can connect his veins to it. Once in this state, all of his senses are damped. He becomes deaf, blind and can’t feel a thing. He can only feel whatever comes in contact with his veins. If he is interrupted while doing this, he losses all of his magic power and falls unconscious. Out of his own power he can stretch the web only in ten meter radius. If he wishes to enlarge it he must connect to some being and steal its blood so he has a constant income of energy. The larger the web the great is the amount of the blood needed. [b]Family / Relationships :[/b] His seven years older brother. [b]Other :[/b] Some things he just doesn’t want to talk about.