Lord Rain looked at the new Construct. It was a lifeless humanoid body made of clouds, covered in shining, steel armor. Its lifeless eyes had a pale white glow with a hint of purple in it. Really, all it needed was a bit of life and it would be one of his most powerful creations that he had made. He put his hand to the lifeless Construct's chest, and transferred a bit of his own essence into the Construct. The Construct looked up at Lord Rain, and got up. It looked around, and saw his master, Lord Rain. He seemed deep in thought, so the Construct decided to wait until his master was ready to speak. "Your name shall be... Shock. Yes, Shock sounds good." Lord Rain said. "Shock, we're invading a small town and taking it over as a human slave camp. We need to not get too noticed and make sure word doesn't get out, so we don't get invaded by bigger towns. What I need you to do is lead a scout party of 25 Stormers, and scout out any areas around the town." Shock simply nodded his head and ran off to gather 25 Stormers. It was at just a couple hours before sunset when the scout party arrived near the town. The town was enclosed in stone walls, and had a decent amount of population. No, a decent amount of slaves waiting to have an owner. Shock led the team closer to the walls, and split the team up to look for weak spots and openings in the walls. It was about an hour later when they had decided on where the best points of entry were. On the corners of the walls were stone guard towers. The inside was hollow, and the only thing that kept invaders from flooding into the towers was a single layer of stone bricks. However, the walls had 4 layers of stone bricks to keep invaders out. Shock marked each guard tower by scraping a white line onto where to break in with a nearby rock. Then, he and the scout party went back to the Dungeon. Meanwhile, at the Dungeon... The battle cries of Stormers and Bolters as they slashed and stabbed at each other with the newly made wooden training swords and spears rang through the halls of the Dungeon/Castle. Elsewhere in the castle, 10 imps worked part of the forge, making steel swords and spears enchanted with storm magic by Lord Rain himself. Production was going well, as they already had produced 30 swords and 20 spears, enough to support the Bolters in battle. Another 10 imps were working on reinforcing the castle walls, in case a big city attempted to invade them. Five more imps worked on making bows and arrows for the army. Each arrow was also enchanted by Lord Rain to shock the enemy that was hit by one. All they needed to do was make 25 of these bows, with 25 arrows per bow. The last five imps were making sets of armor for the Bolters. The armor was just basic steel armor, not like the construct Shock had. It was an hour after the scout party had left the town when they finally arrived at the Dungeon. Shock told Lord Rain the news, and the two began to devise a plan on how to take the town. [hider=Compendium Entry] Shock: A Stormer Construct. He has steel armor on at all times. He has a steel sword, with a lightning bolt symbol engraved on the blade. He can cast storm magic that is on the same level as a Bolter's magic. His strength is above the strength of a Stormer, but he isn't as strong as a Bolter. When he's on the frontlines as a normal soldier, he isn't that hard to deal with. When he's really dangerous is when he's behind the army, shouting orders. His biggest flaw is that he is so loyal to Lord Rain that its hard for him to point out any of the tactical mistakes that his Keeper makes. His favorite hobby is torturing humans, as he really, really hates humans. [/hider] Forces: 30 imps, 100 Stormers, 50 Bolters Constructs/Rogue Beings: Shock (Stormer Construct) Resources: Several bags of iron and steel tools, and food for the army, 30 enchanted steel swords, 20 enchanted steel spears, 25 bows with 25 arrows each, 50 sets of basic steel armor, 50 sets of wooden training gear, along with some stone, dirt, and a whole lot of clouds. Infrastructure: A dungeon heart, the flying-castle-dungeon itself, a Lair, a Hatchery, a Portal, reinforced stone walls, and a Forge.