[Robert] "So, um, I guess thanks for healing me?" I say to Chance, though, the tone of my voice made it sound as though I was asking a question. I then notice a figure approaching, and almost immediately Chance draws his sword again. "Die, intruder!" He shouts as he runs towards the figure. I fly to catch up to him, and block his path to the unknown dragon, explaining "Chance, I know things have gotten a little haywire, lately, but that doesn't mean you can just attack anything you see! Remember the last time you did that? You could have killed me." He then sheathes his sword, and says "Fine... what is your name, stranger?" I could tell that he didn't really want to do this, but it was better that he did. I then take a closer look at the figure. She was a blue dragon, about my height, and was very blue... no, not sad, but her scales were pretty much all blue. She had a large spike on the end of her tail, and her eyes, which showed that she was scared at the moment, were also a blue color, making it difficult to see them. I also notice a small, broken necklace around her neck... it seems as though it was once in the shape of a moon, and seemed to shine with whatever little light it could get with all the dust that surrounded the city at this moment. I approach her, and hold out my hand to start a handshake with her, saying "Um... I'm Robert, and that griffon that fancies himself a smith is Chance." I then ask "So... what's your name?" I hoped that she wouldn't just fly off, after all, she had pretty much every reason to do so. --- [Tony] My gunshot seemed to attract the attention of both the dragon and the griffon, which served to free the phoenix that I was trying to save. Unfortunately, a golem, that same bronze one that I saw earlier, started to run ahead of the group to continue pursuing the bird. I swore under my breath as I couldn't do anything about it, not with these two on my feathered tail. I cast that light spell again, this time aiming for the dragon, who flinched from the attack, but didn't seem all too effected by it unfortunately. I then hear the ground shake, and look up to see a giant, titanic, granite-made golem heading towards the bird and golem duo. Thankfully, the titan seemed to be on our side, as he threw a giant, rocky fist at the bronze golem, cracking its otherwise tough hide, and apparently hurting the thing quite a bit. The golem turned its attention away from the fleeing phoenix, and tried to focus on our new helper, throwing a bronze fist at the thing's... er... arm? Well, either way, our golem seemed to walk around like a gorilla, using his knuckles to help him balance. The dragon surprised me with a sudden attack, and I panicked, somehow forming a rock wall in front of me. I manage to deflect that attack with the wall, but end up getting hit with a bolt of electricity from the gryphon, who was flying twenty feet above me by now, and was already preparing another attack. I pull out my gun again, and aim for the right eye. I take a deep breath, and shoot at the gryphon again before he prepares another spell. This time, my aim was much better, as I manage to hit his eye, the result was a half-blind gryphon falling to the ground, screaming in pain.