[i]"I am Pope Leo the VI,"[/i] the man at the head of the figures in black spoke soothingly. Lyarea stared at him, and quickly counted the surrounding figures. Eight in total...wasn't that the entire Council of the Church of Mére? [i]"Please sit...we can explain the situation,"[/i] he said. He looked to be in his fifties at the very least, but the gleam in his eyes was that of a man half his age. It was almost like he enjoyed this. [i]Brash,[/i] a few of the voices echoed her as she moved to one of the first few pews and sat down. Anthony and a few others had done the same; he, in particular, remained tense while he was sitting. Understandable, as it was his sister they'd kidnapped— Lyarea blinked. They were the Council, the leaders of the church. If they needed Elizabeth for something, all they had to do was ask. Why go to such lengths? Why snatch her off the stage of a play in front of the entire town? [i]Why explain anything to us?[/i] She tilted her head, staring at the Pope intently. Kidnap Elizabeth in a showy and dramatic way, and see who was brave or foolish enough to come running... [i]But the torches?[/i] a voice asked. [i]Your vision remains woefully inadequate,[/i] a few others said. [i]It was no accident.[/i] Putting lives at risk for a distraction? Lyarea's eyes narrowed. Whatever his explanation was, it had better be good.