[quote=Fisheye] This looks like it could certainly be interesting, though I think I'll wait to see what exactly you had in mind as far as rules go before I commit. Will you be aiming for a natural set of guidelines enforced by a GM or number-based stats?Anyway, I like the general concept of the RP, with the idea of a poor series of minor lordships beset with endless hardships and plagued by petty wars. How much cultural diversity will there be within Lundland, and if there isn't too much what RL cultural region did you plan on basing the setting on? [/quote] For your first question, the short answer is 'number-based.' Players will begin with a certain amount of points with which they will create their nation. They create the land, decide on the richness of resources, and level of infrastructure of their land. Lundland is poor, so the upper echleons of improvement will not be available upon creation, but can be attainted with time and money in-game. When the game has started, things concerning wealth, the economy, land, and maintenance/upkeep of the military will be based entriely on numbers. I've found, as many other NRP GMs have, that combat is best worked out between players, with the GM stepping in if a decision on an outcome cannot be reached. The only thing I will govern on combat is the terrain on which you will fight. If two players are about to enter combat, I will draw up a map of the battlefield/fortress. Terrain is an important part of combat, so if players were allowed to always decide it, it would lead to whoever's homeland being suspiciously more defensible than it should be. For your second question, the land is not based on any one culture. Though I'm drawing influences from 7th century Britain and 11th century France and Germany, you could create a culture that draws from numerous influences. The general tone of the land is 'european,' but you're free to mould that definition (say an Indian Raja who has lived at a European court for some time). However, I do encourage players to do more than just draw from real life, but to tinker with unique cultures. As an example, Germany wasn't always seen as a single culture, as you used to have Hessians, Rhienlanders, Bavarians, Thurings, and so on. [quote=Theodorable] Interested. Also, I can elect to be a cartographer for the map as well if you'd like more options. [/quote] I'm shit at drawing, so help would be welcomed. PM me any map you've done in the past.