The room was oddly silent... A tall, abnormally thin figure sat huddled on top of a metallic 'bed', which was more of a torture table rather than an actual comforting cushion. Not much was distinguishable at first glance. The figure was male, obviously, and his hair was a dull, yet shiny white that flowed down his head, shrouding his body in a haze of long locks of hair. His skin was a pale gray-ish white, white odd, rune-like markings dotting over the skin at random intervals, a glowing crimson in color. Crimson eyes glinted in the dull lighting. [I]" Zed."[/I] The whisper was sudden, considering the heavy silence that had plagued the room for the past hours. The voice came from the teenager sitting on the bloodied torture table - nothing but a whisper. The voice was relatively deep, with a lilting undertone that had a hypnotizing ting. 'Zed' suddenly chuckled, and then coughed, his voice changing once more. [b]"Zed. I like that."[/b] It was the same deep tone, but instead of the lilting, musical, sad tint to it...the voice was now demonic in tone, sounding as if multiple men were speaking at once, with different emotions and mentalities. Zed looked up, white hair falling backwards to reveal his narrowed crimson eyes, abnormal smirk, and noble features. He gave a glance around him, at the countless corpses - some decapitated, others eviscerated, and even some with their throats, lungs, and innards ripped out. Oddly enough, he felt no remorse, disgust, or sadness. If anything, he wanted to laugh. [b]"Corpse Party, right? Hah!"[/b] he stood up on shaky legs, noticing quickly enough that nothing covered him other than a flimsy towel. With a snort, he ripped it off of his body and began tearing clothing articles off of the different corpses, matching them up into something that he wouldn't mind wearing. In the end, he had on a pair of ripped jeans, indescript sneakers, and a heavily torn lab coat that looked more like a half-jacket/cape. He kept himself shirtless, showing a surprisingly muscular and lithe torso that was dotted and scarred with numerous crimson tattoos and scars. [b]"That's more like it..."[/b] Zed rolled his neck, feeling the bones pop into place in a familiar sense of pained enjoyment. He flexed his fingers. The bones rippled once again. [b]"Interesting!"[/b] He clenched his right fist. Accompanying the sound of tearing flesh, 5 pure white bone 'claws' jutted from each finger tip, although no blood followed this transformation. Zed's grin changed into a confused grimace, before the smirk was back. Interesting indeed. Retracting his 'Bone Claws', and jutting them out again, this time in both hands, Zed nodded and retracted them once more. [b]"Now, let's see what's going on here."[/b] He shoved open the door that closed his 'torture room' from the outside world, being hit face-first with a blast of coldness. The metallic corridor caused another chuckle to escape the white-haired teen, and he entered the hall, turning around just as a crying girl ran past him. [b]"What."[/b] he murmured, giving her back a glance before jogging languidly after her, and towards the sound of other voices, not knowing that his sharp-toothed grin and appearance could be seen as frightening to a confused looking girl. [b]"Yo, woman, what's going on here?!"[/b]