After exploring the city for a short while -- and finding absolutely nobody --, Leon started to feel even more scared than he already was. Seriously, where was everyone? The streets were emptier than a church during the soccer finals. In addition, the majority of the roads were blocked off, as if someone was forcing him to go down a certain path, said path eventually leading to a large tunnel. All of this made Leon feel very nervous. Was someone expecting him to go down that tunnel? Maybe the same person that brought him to this place? But if that was the case, then why not just start out with the tunnel instead of dumping him quite a bit away from it? After a short mental self-convincing -- which mostly consisted of Leon calling himself stupid for being afraid to go into a tunnel and making up crazy thoughts --, the young man shrugged and entered it. Halfway through the tunnel, Leon started to feel a bit... strange. There wasn't really any better way for him to desribe the sensation other than that. Strange. What was even stranger was that the texture on the wall seemed to slowly change. What was once solid concrete now had the vague contours of some kind of bricks. Stranger still, some kind of rectangular shapes started to form at regular intervals. A part of Leon shouted at him to turn back and get the hell away from this place; another part, however, wanted to find out what the heck was going on here. As it turned out, the latter part was stronger than the former one. As such, Leon kept walking, trying not to pay too much attention to the wall, which at this point had become extremely disorienting. It was almost as if someone had interwoven a standard tunnel with some kind of long hallway, with neither of the two actually being fully visible. A short while later, the tunnel... just ended. Or rather, it ceased to be a tunnel, instead being fully overtaken by the hallway. What were once rectangular shapes had now changed into... "Windows? What the hell...," Leon mumbled as he looked around, too confused to keep his thoughts to himself. Slowly, he edged towards the closest window, peered though it, then leapt back in shock. No way. Waking up in an unknown city is one thing, but this... This was beyond impossible. He was supposed to be in a tunnel! So how could there possibly be windows that looked out over a clouded sky, as if he was several miles above ground?! Either one of the two, he could accept, but not both, not without some reasonable explanation. Someone around here had to know something, right? Right?! Yes, somebody should. And all he needed to do was find that somebody. Well then, better get going. And with that, Leon continued his walk through the tunnel/hallway, constantly convincing himself mentally that he was not insane. Soon after, the hallway ended at some kind of double door. Leon slowly opened said door, revealing some kind of grassy field -- and, more importantly, a girl standing in said field. "Hey!," Leon called out to the girl. "Excuse me for asking, but could you tell me where we are? ((OOC: That would be you, Rose)