[hider=Youthful Mystery Reader] Name: Yggdra Palesch Age: 16 Gender: Female Occupation: Student Personality: Yggdra generally doesn't speak, unlees it seems good for her to talk. She isn't the most social person, but she knows how to act to other persons. She loves the mystery genre, and reads many books. Yggdra is rarely smiling, and doesn't try to show emotions, but her fellings are mixed in somemoments. Skills: She does not have any combat skills, but she is good with mysteries, thus knowing how to decipher riddles with a little of ease. Appearance: [img=http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_4_U6nxfb0VM/TBIpyG6PpRI/AAAAAAAAACI/-ZO0Q8g6mao/s320/anime+girl+in+rain.jpeg.jpeg] Other: None.[/hider] [hider=Future Lawyer that Loves Myths and Fantasy] Name: Milanor Palesch Age: 19 Gender: Male Occupation: Law College Student Personality: Milanor, in counterpart to his sister, is very active and likes to meet and greet people. He loves myths and tales, so he doesn't get scared about them. Skills: He holds a Magnum Revolver with him, hidden in his bag. Other than that, he doesn't believe in its true existence, but knows many things about magic. Appearance: [img=http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/086/8/f/anime_school_boy_render_by_kekuuu_by_kekuuu-d5zgxrl.png] Other: None.[/hider] Are we permitted to use Umineko music in the posts?