Sieben waited for his comrade to come close and together they walked out of the guild. Now out of the guild Sieben began to talk about the mission. while he was inside he didn't want anyone unwanted to join so he didn't say much. "okay.. well it says here that, the man who offered the job is the old geezer who owns the farm at the northern outskirts of the city. It reads here that the ox went mad in the middle of the day, grew larger and his eyes began to glow red, also his horns blackened and then it charged out of the enclosure." Sieben grew curious about the mission. it seemed as the ox maybe ate something, someone gave him. maybe a dark fruit or something. Seiben thought to himself. "it says that at night the ox howls like a strange animal. hm... though it doesn't say anywhere that it attacked anyone, i still bet its violent." Sieben looked through the paper again and sighted. "and that's just about everything useful it says, except that if we get it back alive and well we get fifty thousand jewels more. The problem is i have no idea how to do that. Do you?" Sieben asked and turned to his new companion. "Damn my snack just got dry." Sieben said aloud as he pulled the dead, dried up rat from his pocket and threw it in the grass.