Omni plopped himself down next to her on the grass. He listened to her speak. Hanging onto every word she spoke. His face didn't change much as she spoke. However, he drew his knees close to his chest and sipped his coffee more slowly than he had before. Omni nodded at several things she said. It was almost as if he already knew these things about her. In all honesty he did. Omni looked up at her after she was done and smiled softly. "Reagan, I knew all of this. I just was sure if it were true." he said softly. "The reason I know these things isn't just because of stuff dad has told me, but when I pinned your soul back into your body, I had to use mine to anchor yours. I don't know if you realized but your soul passed through mine. I got to feel everything you've felt. All the emotions you've had, the good and the bad." Omni sighed before continuing. "It's kinda hard to explain. But it's like I got to live you life up until that point. I got to see it through your eyes. I got to see the fight between you and Dad. I got to see and feel you being attacked twice. However, I got to feel how happy you were when you and Dad started talking." Omni laughed to himself for a second as he gazed out at his father and uncle playing, having no clue that they were being watched. "I didn't mean to do it. I'm still learning about my soul powers. So don't be mad. And yes I even felt the embarrassment you've had before, and you even being shy with dad when you two were in school. I know it's probably not what you want to hear, but I've not really had a chance to talk to you since the pinning. Please don't be mad or embarrassed." Omni took a sip of his coffee. "But I choose to look at the good things in your life and I smile about them. No I haven't told dad stuff either. I won't. I made myself take a vowel. When a persons soul passes through mine, what I've seen is kept just to me and for me." Omni looked at her and smiled for a second. Then Omni looked out at his dad and uncle. It looked like fun to him. Omni was still young, and had his childish tendencies. Omni quickly looked at Reagan. "Wanna try and change. It's easy. Then you, Dad, Uncle Thor, and me can play all together. It's easy I promise. I know you've shown signs of your powers. I can feel it." Omni jumped to his feet and pulled Reagan up. That's when the sound of the wolves running around stopped. Ryan and Thor were bother watching them now. Omni clapped his hands together. "If you want to try you can. I'll show you.", said Omni with a large smile on his face. "Okay. You know how when you apperate you have to feel like your moving but your not. It's kind of the same principle. You have to unlock that cage inside you. You have to feel like a wolf. Picture yourself as a wolf. Just close your eyes and picture your human body changing.Unlock that animal side with in you. You have to let go of yourself." From the yard Ryan's voice came, "Reagan, I know you can do it. I believe in you!" His voice was followed by a howl. Then another from Thor. When they both howled Omni quickly changed into his wolf form. His jet black fur was shinny and the moon light bounced off of it. The howling stopped, and then it came again from all three of the men. All in support of Reagan and believe in her. Then through the howls Ryan's voice came out again. "Reagan, I support you no matter what, no matter what BECAUSE I LOVE YOU. I KNOW YOU CAN DO.!!!!!" Then silence fell on them again. Ryan walked closer to watched, Thor on his heels. It almost looked like Ryan was crying even though he was in his wolf form.