Another golem came out of the woods and threw a punch at the bronze one. As they both fought, Ralph realized that the dragon-bird was fighting off two of them at the same time. He quickly turned to see the gryphon flying about twenty feet above the ground, shooting bolts of electricity below him. Ralph was about to shoot a fireball at him, but before he got a chance, there was another gunshot. The gryphon let out a cry of pain as he fell down to the ground. Ralph flew a little closer, and saw the gryphon on the ground, clutching his eye in pain. He was still able to get up, though. Ralph shot a fireball at him just as he was about to lunge at the dragon-bird, knocking him back and setting his feathers on fire. The gryphon rolled on the ground, trying to put the fire out. Once he'd gotten back up, he had a large burn on his chest, and some of the feathers around it had been burnt off. He glared up at Ralph, and fired a bolt of electricity up at him. Although he was momentarily stunned by this attack, he was still able to shoot another fireball, which the gryphon tried to dodge. The fireball just barely grazed his wing, burning off some of his feathers. The gryphon tried to fly up and get closer, but couldn't get more than a few meters off the ground.