[quote=Captain Jordan] This is my preferred system, but it depends on everyone respecting the others they're interacting with. If one rude person steps out of order, without consulting others or giving them a reasonable time period in which to post, the whole system collapses. That's not really fun. [/quote] Every system has flaws. If you get that one problem player, then you just have to talk to them about it. As the GM, they kind of have to listen to you, or else you have every right to toss them out of the RP. In my experience, anyone who cares about staying generally listens to the GM. [quote=racoonman] Thanks for all the input guys, it's not only helped me decide to not have a strict posting order, but also helped me realise splitting the group into smaller parties would probably be a good idea! [/quote] Ah yes, that too. If you don't have a strict posting order, then large groups are confusing - people suddenly aren't sure who they're supposed to be waiting on, and people can think they're waiting on someone who is actually waiting on them, and the whole thing freezes up. Such is the biggest weakness (I think) of not having a strict posting order. Not to mention, this can also lead to players not having any ideas as to where to go next plot-wise, so yeah. Smaller groups are better. Mix and match who's in what group from time to time, sure, but don't let a large party stay large for very long.