Æmire stood listening to Pope Leo The VI. "[i]Ah, welcome my children...I am Pope Leo the VI. This was a misunderstanding, I'm sure you have noticed. Please sit...we can explain the situation.[/i]" The Pope has spoken to the group. Æmire looked around him to the now formed group that was created by the incident, and surprisingly only one was human. "Sheesh... Humans sure don't care about these incidents..." He said to himself as he walked in and sat down. [i]Is this a set up? Did he knew that we would all reach here or is this destiny?[/i] Æmire had pondered while the rest sat down. Æmire looked at the Pope and was the first to speak. "I understand you as the pope of this council have the audacity to preform such actions, but I must give an input and a question... One is that The Fire you created was quickly put out by me to prevent causalities and property damage, and a question I have is did you know that creating such a scene could cause this group of strangers to appear here today?" he had said and asked to the Pope. He was really trying to be reasonable, so that he could earn a chance into The Council. He had a more important question after everyone else has their few words.