Calla moved her head to look over at the paper. She read it in silence before shaking her head. "No thanks.... I'm beat. I don't feel like being some arrogant family's jester. Plus I don't think I would qualify very well for such a thing. At least, not magic wise." she mused sounding rather unenthused. "For your sakes, I hope they aren't too picky." she added at the end before getting up and stretching. Calla decided it was time to find some food. Eden quietly picked up the piece of paper as the other two spoke. She quietly stuffed it away in her thin bag that also carried two books and on the side held her quill. "Hopefully it won't take very much to impress these folks." she said turning her head to look at Ophelia. It didn't seem like her kind of job to say the least but she figured it would work out well if she had at least Ophelia there the spotlight wouldn't be on her magic, making the job much more easier on Eden. The girl barely talked to anyone so showing off alone in front of a crowd of kids wasn't too appealing.