Blonde hair splayed out over James' face as he lay on that rubber-coated table. His senses registered the stench of burnt flesh and the occasional crackle of electricity, followed by the ragdoll-like spasming of something vaguely humanoid on the ground, but he'd gotten used to it over his past few waking hours. The room itself was very chilly, and most definitely devoid of any life apart from the blonde young man staring into the ceiling. Despite looking like a vegetable, or a corpse, he was most definitely lucid. James put a hand to his face and combed away his hair with his wiry fingers. "Ha...It's gettin' pretty chilly... Might even get a cold." James smiled at the sound of his voice, like it was something novel. "...My throat's all dry and raw..." he coughed, massaging his throat as he sat up on the table. His eyes registered the charred corpses on the ground, but he made no remark from it. Sure it gave him a pretty damn big scare when he first woke up, especially the one that he found [i]on top of him[/i], but after a decent bit of panicking and examining his room as well as the general surrounding area, he'd managed to more or less accept that they existed and adjusted his approach as necessary. After all, in a survival-horror game like Amnesia, going on without preparations was tantamount to suicide. However, this time his eyes registered something... different. Neural synapses of multiple organisms, to be specific. Humanoid by the looks of their nervous systems... "Great. Looks like I'm in Dead Patient, not Outlast... Or at least I [i]hope[/i] I'm not in Outlast," he remarked, dropping off his seat on the table. While he wasn't naked or anything, it was still rather cold, so he took a lab coat - fortunately unmarred by the burnt corpse it was on - and managed to fashion it into a tattered white scarf and jacket. "Let's go meet the neighbors," he nodded, striding out of the room and heading towards the grouping of electrical signals. Although, before he could get too close, he stopped and leaned against the corner wall that was the only thing between him and them. Stranger danger was most definitely in full effect in this abandoned... Hospital? Insane asylum? Lab? Whatever they were in, he wasn't sure that just announcing his presence would be the safest thing to do. Especially since it was quite evident he'd need to get close to actually electrocute somebody, if his earlier attempt to fire off a Cole MacGrath-style lightning bolt was anything to go by. [i]'Just wait and see...'[/i]