Jane heard some sort of ruffling in the grass, the sound rumbled the ground. Suddenly, she saw the creature that was making the movements and sounds and vibrations. It was huge and charging in her direction. It looked scary. A flashback of [i]The Wizard of Oz[/i] suddenly started playing in her head, at a slow pace, as she quickly turned her body and began running away. [i]I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore[/i]. She dreaded the fact she was not wearing shoes. She knew she was going to step on something weird, or strange, which would cause her to trip and--[i]No, Jane, don't think like that[/i]. She heard the creature roar, or growl--or make some sound. Regardless, it sounded angry, mad. What had she done? [i]God, if this bear turns out to be the police. .[/i]. Her legs moved quickly, the adrenalin pumping through her veins was causing her to sprint like the wind. She had just taken three days sitting in the wind, and now--she was the wind. Fleetwood Mac started playing in her mind, [i]Rihannon.[/i] Somehow, all of this theater comforted her. [i]Will you ever win? / Will you ever win?[/i] God, she hoped this bear wouldn't catch her. [i]All your life you've never seen / a woman taken by the wind[/i]. Her socks were soaking up some moistened dirt and grass as she sprinted. She was sure a hole would be rubbed in her socks, probably by the heel and maybe her toes. [i]Stop thinking about your socks, Jane! Just run![/i] The growling seemed to intensify. Jane wished she could be Rihannon and let the sky just take her. . away from this bear, away from this hallucination. She almost stopped running to contemplate if the creature was even real, but something was different about this trip as opposed to any trip on which she had ever let consume her. She refused to stop running. [i]God, I hope I am not doing anything illegal, right now.[/i] She was afraid her hallucinating body was doing something illegal but disguising it as an attack of a ferocious animal. Chills were running up-and-down her spine. These chills started feeling like comforts, a self-induced ecstatic back massage that kept her running, light on her toes. [i]Dreams unwind / Loves a state of mind. F'ck Fleetwood Mac, I need to find safety![/i] Whatever that even meant, Jane was not sure, but she had some hope that safety had to be possible. The lyrical movement inside her frightened mind was starting to get old, the more and more realistic this chase became.