"Gods?" Urkwia repeated. While people were free to worship whatever they liked, she was not one for the idea of Gods or other worldly powers. To her, everything could be explained with science. The male carried on, explaining the event in question and how people could misconstrue it to be someone of a god, rather than an incident regarding a chance encounter with two stones. Her own experiments could be seen as a fancy spectacle of art and magic and not that of detailed science and reasoning. Whatever the cause or origin, Urkwia didn't believe in Gods or Goddesses. What mattered to her was what she saw first hand, what she could explain with logic and clear delegation. Telio then went back to considering the possibility that they were from the same earth. It seemed so unlikely. They were proud of having mapping most of their world, if not all of it. Could there really be a place uncharted that the boy just so happened to come from? The more doubts she had, the more uneasy she felt. "We have, yes." Urkwia replied to him with a firm nod. There wasn't much else to be said though. The map was as it was and looking at it wasn't somehow going to move mountains and make rivers pop out of nowhere. She turned back to the table, finding herself hungry but now unable to eat anything. When Telio began to speak again, she looked back at him. He asked about how to prove the theory, that there were two worlds and not just a massive one that challenged both of their history and knowledge. "I'm not sure. This theory isn't an easy one to test." If they simply went from door to door, surveying people, they would be deemed lunatics. "i don't wish to doubt your credibility." She told him. "I want to believe you're from where you say you are, while you can trust that this isn't a ruse either. It is possible this event has messed with our minds but so far, we both appear to be functioning properly." She considered and looked around. "If we wish to move forward with either of our research, turning to the sapphires themselves would do the most good." She said and picked up the two dark pieces she had used in the past. Upon close examination, courtesy of her magnifying glass, she saw there were small cracks. They weren't big enough to see with the naked eye, so surely they wouldn't damage the intended use, even so, she made a quick note in her book about the damage done. "I hope these will last a bit longer," Urkwia lamented to Telio as she cradled them in her hand. "it appears the event has made a small crack in each gem which leads me to believe that they aren't mean to last forever." Of course she had other dark colored stones but she was quite protective of the ones she had just used which had caused such a breakthrough. another bout of uncertainty fell over her as she looked around her personal area. "If we repeat our actions and...and another vortex takes shape, do we enter it?" There would be no other way, surely. While she was fueled by curiosity and the need to break out of her comfort zone, she was getting nervous at the thought of opening some potential passage to another world, or at the least, an unknown uncharted land. [i]'There's no other way to move forward...'[/i] She thought as she began to hit the sapphires together, looking for another wisp of blue light.