Per finished her food with a rumble in her stomach and watched the game. She was starving, but as always there was no food. They could afford plenty of drugs and whores, sure. But food? Never. She crossed her arms over her chest and watched one guy fold as another pushed more chips into the pot. It was only Tito and Orren now, both pretty good players. But Tito was known to cheat at everything, and Per wasn't the only one who realized it. Tito threw down the better hand and Orren practically lunged at his throat. Cards flew out of Tito's sleeve and then Tito's fist flew at Orren's face, and pretty soon everything was flying. The table flipped and everyone in the vicinity scattered to make room. Per stepped backwards as far as she could keeping a close eye on the brawling men to make sure she didn't get caught in the flurry. She turned to leave - and slammed into a hard wall of flesh she knew way too well. She looked up and caught Rusco's eye, and he looked mad. "Ice," he snapped, nodding back towards their makeshift kitchen. She nodded and headed towards their freezer, and he took a few large steps towards the men. Others spotted him and the room hushed as Per came back to his side with an armful of ice. "Yo, Pussypants and Crackhead, what the fuck are you guys doing?"