[center][B][U]Arkaeis[/U][/B] - [I]Avatar of the Living Abyss[/I][/center] Tilting his head slightly as the man spoke, seeming to not have understood him from before, Arkaeis nodded simply and then quickly switched gears. This man spoke english, rather than theAngar-Ryllan that Arkaeis had recently adapted, [B]"Yes, you could say that,"[/B] he said, now in English. He would speak in this language till further notice, it seemed the man would at least understand that. [B]"It was not out of a wish to destroy, despite the very nature of the energy,"[/B] he stated, glancing to his right at a cowering Ryllan. [B]"While I cannot choose whom it does and does not effect, I can keep the energy from nearing those who I mean no harm, such as most of these citizens."[/B] He then turned back to James and tilted his head once more, noticing the man's strange, but all too familiar, energetic make-up as he looked at him again. [B]"Afterall, it is not the Citizens of Angar-Rylla who I wish to quell, it is their leaders that have offset the balance,"[/B] while his words could be perceived as hostile, he said them with smooth tone and calm features, as if they held no negative intent at all, for to him they did not. Curious, Arkaeis looked deeper into the man's biological make-up, noticing that it was hardly biological at all. He appeared human on the surface, but below he was something else. A much more powerful, durable material made up most of his body, and it all appeared to be powered by the same force that Arkaeis himself controlled: Void, or Nether, as some called it. This intrigued him, but he would not yet make it known that he was aware of what the man was. Afterall, he was still unsure as to his intentions. If the man decided to attack before he finished any of his actions, he would react rather than continue them.