There was once a city called Alavast. Like most cities of its time it had many people, many advanced accommodations and many tall buildings. What set Alavast apart was the entire city was an accommodation of sorts. Things there changed, all because the townspeople wanted them to. Anything from your clothing to your apartment building to the weather was a matter of choice. To live in such a luxurious place you had to work and study hard, but even the work was a choice you could make and live with without consequence. Truly, the people of Alavast had a very accommodated way of life. Now one day, a group of strangers started having certain dreams. Vividly would they see a forest materialize around them. The forest was thick, shrouded in gloom and filled with tall, bent trees. Paths split the thick wall of trees spontaneously for each of them in a particular direction. The paths lead to the place where they all meet, a clearing with a single great and spiraling tree in the centre donning a staircase up to a shelf of branches and foliage. The dream came again, then again and again, always playing out differently. Their dreams became longer each time, eventually requiring that the group sets off to see some more of the forest. One of strangers tells the rest how to contact him/her in the real world, having in the past considered if this was really a dream or not. From this they end up joining together in Alavast for coffee. That night when the dream begins, the forest is darker and thicker than usual. Branches seem to reach out and grasp toward the newly acquainted strangers as if clawing at them for help. This time when they all meet a tall dark figure of a man looms in the corner. He whispers to them, "Children, I made this playground for you... I won't let you play elsewhere, I cannot." The dream became permanent. When the group realized this they began searching for the man who caused this. Along the way they met with shadows of themselves and the lives they led. The forest began to show them all the people they once were, who they could become, toying with them by twisting their own memories. Monsters began to show themselves as well, constantly clouding their minds with fear of what might pounce from the dense wood surrounding them. The forest is conspiring against them, trying to drive them mad to protect its master. Or kill them if it comes to such a thing. ~ So, hi. This is going to be a primarily character-driven RP. Hopefully the twisted setting should help along with the character arcs. I'm not quite sure which point in this story we will start at but most likely before or after the coffee meet. Sorry if I spoke a bit too much into the future but I definitely want clouded memories to arise during the bigger parts of the rp. The memories will likely be where a lot of the sci-fi comes to play here, where the fantasy will probably be in the horrors of the forest. I would like to work with all of you on this, as you can clearly tell by the very direct link between plot and character backgrounds. Characters with lots of issues will probably be easy to work with in such a setting. Our group will likely be small to allow for stronger 'teamwork' in such an rp. Brainstorming sessions are things that ideally would happen often OOC. So if you want to join in, i would suggest sharing ideas to make it better.