"yeah i had the same idea. Kill it and see if it turns back to normal, if not we still get a fair pay so no worries for now." Sieben said smiling. " so i was thinking, do you have an idea how should we take down the ox? i mean do you have a plan or something. Because i was thinking that if i used my vein magic i could tie it up for a brief moment and then you kill it." Sieben hoped that Darren would like the idea. If he would that would be a good sign of acceptance for a newcomer. He began once again; "And when killing it, could we do it by spilling as less of its blood as possible?" He asked with a shaky voice. Sieben didn't tell everyone about all of his power, only that he usses veins as ropes and he didn't want them to kick him out of the guild, but this is the only way he eats. He can't remember the last time he actually ate some solid food. Steeling another beings blood was faster and it lasted longer. The only problem were the memories and feelings. That why he mostly feeds on the smaller animals. They don't have any complicated emotions, thought or memories at all.