Walt was proud of himself for catching Heat Wave and turning him into the authorities. Fortunately, the fire department and along with his assistance were able to put out the fires that were started by the villain before they got too far out of hand. The civilians who had been rescued gave cheers of gratitude at Walt and the young hero gave a bow. He was glad to have gotten to do some hero work without the help of his mentor and now he was getting some recognition for his act of heroics. He then saw a television in the widow of a shop show a news flash of an alien ship in Metropolis and Walt was curious to find out what was going in Superman's home city. He jumped into the air and shape-shifted into rocket. he took off into the sky and headed straight towards Metropolis at incredible speeds. "I hope this gives me a chance to meet up with the Justice League" he said to himself as he rocketed towards the city of the Man of Steel.