[B]Dutch Hill, Gotham City 6:47 PM[/B] After I'd been convinced that Bruce had been at his home, based upon a few muddy footprints leading to his doorway, I quickly gave a few rapid, yet solid knocks against his door. After a moment, the door crept open and I saw him take a good look before audibly acknowledging me. "Dick," he almost whispered. "Come on in." I stepped through the door and into the entrance hall, following him for a while until we'd went into the basement, what is generally regarded as the safest and least accessible part of a home, but being generally inaccessible isn't good enough for Bruce. So we silently stepped through a locked electromagnet door. Yes, that high of security. After it had closed all the way and had been locked tight, Bruce broke the silence. "I got your message. You wanted to speak, what's on your mind?" "Well," I began. "Have you heard about the art museum robbery? There was an unidentified victim who'd been shot and visibly had bleed on the carpet. But my dad says he's stumped because forensic searches haven't found any human cells in the immediate area. Then, when the thieves disappeared, so did she, but so did her blood, that had already settled on the carpet. How is that possible?"