Rebel was thankful the Leo, as he introduced, had initiated conversation. He seemed kind enough she was able to relax, if not just a little bit. They probably thought she was rude for not joining in and also introducing herself. She felt bad immediately and tried to go at it once again. “I-I’m..Rebel,” She murmured slightly above her breath tensely, but it was hard to hear given everyone else was able to greet their new teammates eagerly and out loud. She glanced up to make sure he did mean her, but looked down when she noticed their eyes on her. “Rebel,” She said a little louder, self-conscious at the state she was in with the focus of others on her. Rebel supposed she probably should add something more, like [i]Can’t wait to work with you guys![/i] or something like that but that was too out of character and it was already such a hassle for her to simply say her own name. Speaking of names, given Leo was a boy’s name, which meant the pink haired girl was Lylis? Wasn’t that what the senior ranger had said when they called the names of those in the squads? She also looked like the friendly type, such as Leo. That was a relief if so, she couldn’t handle harshness of some people, but she figured she shouldn’t expect being babied due to her shy nature. That also reminded Rebel of what the higher ranked Rangers mentioned, how they were able name their squads. Of course she didn’t mind what these two would decide; anything would be fine for her. Rebel looked up, forcing a smile to seem friendly enough. When she did, she noticed something particular in the distance. “A Flygon?” She asked out loud, much louder than she said her name as her love for Pokemon definitely exceeded that for people. “Oh wow! I’ve never seen a dragon type in real life before! And a fully evolved one at that! I wonder if there are rare Pokemon like that here?” Rebel realized her sudden outburst, and her face flushed once more out of humiliation. Now they were going think she was some kind of nut. “Oh dear, I-I’m s-sorry…” she whispered, “Hi,” Rebel added to get back to introductions, certainly not living up to her namesake.