"Look, I don't sell this stuff alright. You buy it from my people. Now get out of here you make a scene." John told the man outside who showed up on his doorstep early on that morning. He's temper was beginning to flair but he tried to be calm and casual. He scratched the back of head to try and tone down his frustration. He kept a soft, calm and low voice as he talked with the man though a small slit in his door. "Look, John, I can't get the stuff from dealers. I have... some money that I owe them man. I'll pay them once I get my fix, I swear. Look just hook me up this one time and you'll never see me again, I promise." The man tried to reason with John but it wasn't going to work. He already owed somebody cash so it wasn't likely that he was going to pay up here too. There was also the subject that he owed a dealer. Whether it was one of one of John's friends or some of the gang's, it was bad either way. John needed to get rid of this guy and get rid of him fast. Normally, he would ask Raymond to take care of this situation but he didn't know if he was still asleep or making his rounds on the streets. John had all but himself. "That's not how it works and you better keep you voice down in case somebody is listening." John said with a sharp tone, making it clear to the junkie that his patience was running out. "Now, you get the fuck away from here you get in real trouble. Is that understood?" The man began to get down on his knees. He head pointed down at the concrete sideway. He's long, blonde, scruffy and grimy hair covered his face as he began to sob. "Just give me some crystal man and I'l be gone. Please man, I need it. I really need it." "You seriously can't be giving me this shit right now." John muttered to himself. "Get out of here before now pal or else." He tried to warn the junkie one last time before he got really upset. The other guy just knelled there in front of his door, his arms and faced pressed against the steel-framed door. "Just this one time man, I really need it. Please, I just need it." At that moment, John snapped as he couldn't handle himself anymore. He unhinged all of the locks on his door and with all his might, he pushed it open. The man outside was thrown by the force and the poor sucker got a bloody wound on his left cheek because of it. John stepped outside with a look of utter anger as his eyes full of rage focused on the man. "Look here asshole, if you don't get out of here I'm going to bash your face in with my fist. Do you understand?!" The man ran down the street, not even looking back once at John as he did. John hurriedly got back inside his home and locked the door. "Goddamn asshole." He muttered to himself. He reached for his mug of coffee that he placed on a small plastic coffee table in front of him. He then proceeded to go to work. He headed for his house's basement where his lab was located.